Fruit automatic harvest???


I'm gonna transplant mine into a 60/40 mix of soil and perlite. I will put it in a three gallon bottom feeder pot and see what happens. As for me, I can grow outside legally in Alaska with my Medical Marijuana Registry. I picked autoflowers for my first grow, well, because it's my first grow and I want to guarantee a yield by harvest. I started late because, I did not get my card until June 29th. Next year will be a different story. I'm hoping to grow some monsters with high pain killing potency. I need something that will yield a pound or two, because I can't afford to grow inside. The cost of energy in Alaska is outrageous! The fruit is only one that I started that is dwarfed. My other two strains (Dairy Queen and 60 Day Wonder) are blooming!
Wow! Your so lucky to be able to grow legally. We can't do shit over here and getting herb through your doc is highly unlikely. As I need it for medical reasons too I had to start growing my own. This is why I'm forced to grow dwarf's outside. Energy is expensive here in the uk too, and that's how they usually find you over here. Plus I just don't have the room. Needs must... Don't know bout you but the herb is the only thing that seems too work with the pain..speaking of which time to Vapourizer. Cheers buddy...


Wow! Your so lucky to be able to grow legally. We can't do shit over here and getting herb through your doc is highly unlikely. As I need it for medical reasons too I had to start growing my own. This is why I'm forced to grow dwarf's outside. Energy is expensive here in the uk too, and that's how they usually find you over here. Plus I just don't have the room. Needs must... Don't know bout you but the herb is the only thing that seems too work with the pain..speaking of which time to Vapourizer. Cheers buddy...
I still use pills for pain and marijuana for breakthrough pain. Works extremely well and almost instantaneous and it treats other ailments I've been diagnosed with like PTSD and nausea from acid reflux disease. Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
My Dad has some autoflowers (pineaple express, and easy ryder) in his greenhouse and they look to be a couple of weeks behind the ones I have in my indoor tent. So, in my experience outdoor autoflowers take longer.
I'm sure your right bigby. That why they take so much longer, especially in the uk. We just don't get the consistency with the weather. But hay, it's worth the wait and they still grow. How's the pineapple express. Any good. I've got an easy rider on the way apperently they are really quick.
Friends.! Time for an update on my fruit auto. She is now approaching 96 days her bracts are swelling and pistil's are orange/brown and receding but the trich's (which are now being viewed via my 100x hand held microscope) are still 30/50 clear/cloudy. Alas Still no Amber. Should I still wait for the Amber or shall I harvest her. Pls help me decide guys... Thanks


Active Member
I would at least wait for more to turn cloudy and maybe a few amber. But it sounds like your geting close.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i say chop it down and start up something else, the longer this takes the less time you have to start the next auto, if you start now, you can get another harvest in before winter, my fruit auto is about 2 weeks old today and its keeping up with my tga gear, definitely NOT a runt or smaller plant, it doesnt smell, but i fimmed it and i hope it responds well, the fim is already healing since 2 days ago and starting to regrow, the plant seems to have gotten wider as well, its sitting next to my fimmed chernobyl that is the star of my grow, and only slightly smaller.
Cheers for that dude. I think i'll take your advice....few more days won't hurt. One thing I have learnt is how different the plant looks if you let her really ripen well..
Cheers man. I've actually got my next auto already going she's 2 weeks old, so we're on the same wavelength there. I may try taking a clone off this next one for a third. Never done ther before. Any tips bro?
I have a question for you guys..
I have never done any little auto s before.. always done bigger from cuttings..

are the dinafem seeds all feminised? In particular the fruit auto? or critical jack (basically the freebie stuff from attitude)

I have been told that Dinafem does all fem and then told that this was untrue.

Also... do the auto s respond to being cut and trained or is it best to let em go from day one to do their thing?

How large a pot can be used? will they fill 25 litres? or is that too big? As I said I am totally new to the Auto varieties but I now recognise the potential with them.

In response to you guys with smaller jobs going (outdoors) there are countless reasons why they are trailing when compared to a nicely planned indoor with multiple light sources. Climate, pests, excessive wind speeds, no wind speed, not to mention an unforgiving Alaskan climate versus a regulated indoor climate thriving on regularity in 20hour cycles with only planned temp variations.
However the most obvious fault I have noticed here is the fact you transferred pots midway. This is really serious with autos as they are performing on a timeline from start to finish and any transferring results in shock or stress to the root system which in my experiences is an easy way to lose a week.

This is my first post so please be nice..


Active Member
I beleive dinafem carries only feminized seeds. not sure about the training I beleive you can. I would put them in a 5 gallon pot I dont see autos out growing that. just my opinion.
nice one.. you are correct about Dinafem... I just checked supplier..

with some auto's they suggest 20 light and 4 dark..
would that be much diff to using 18 and 6? I mean would the final product and yield be any diff?