
john q. public

Active Member
ok, so i grow strawberries, raspberries, concord grapes, and blueberries.

cant i get more than one harvest of strawberries in one season? it seems like the plants are going great, but i only got strawberries once out of them. same with everything else. is there some pruning method to use? or do i have to wait till fall/spring?


Active Member
all fruits only produce one crop per year no matter how you grow them (outdoors or hydro) it is just the nature if things. to increase yield prune. for strawberries cut back to about 2 inches after a hard frost, for all others prune in mid to late winter when they are dormant.


Well-Known Member
^^^ What he said but there are different strains of each of them. I bought a strawberry plant yesterday and I am doing a Strawberry and mint garden so far and the lady there told me that the one that I chose will start to produce fruit longer but they will be smaller and another strain doesn't produce till June or July.

Do you have to do the maul pollination to indoor fruits but also I would love to see strawberries grown in hydro system.


Moderatrix of Journals
well my 'alpine' strawberries only fruit once but my 'everbearing' ones fruit all summer long...