Well-Known Member
yoYou must be giving them some Nitro towards the end of the grow? I ask cause I have a hell of a time keeping my leaves green once I start getting into around Day 70 or so of my grow. I HATE IT!!
I'm sure thats my problem, I've been meaning to get to the store to get some fert that is heavy in N, I just never get around to it.
no nitro. she was a haeavy feeder. i had a cal/mag def so i used a real high strength cal/mag and after that was cleared up i fed gravity near the 4th-6th week to fatten her up. i did give a light grow/bloom solution with hygrozyme a few times to keep her green and healthy. after 2 days of not watering some of the tops would bend over....not good lol so i had to use bent coat hangers to hold her up. im rambling and stoned haha she was a heavy feeder though and i dont think i burnt her once. at the end i was giving her full strength grow with some hygrozyme and she loved it.
later man