Hopefully my final 2 lights :1x 365nm UVA Cob and a 3500k Optic1 54w Cob .. arrive before I flip the switch to 12/12 .. I'll explain what's going on with the lighting later today .. but as she is at the moment, all lights are on during daylight hours - FS/STELTHY
Oh and I plan to add either to this project or the next a couple of 2000k LED bulbs under the canopy .. my reason for the underlighting is to.mimic or replicate nature and the far red that only penetrates the canopy ..at the moment I have 4x 2700k 30w CFLS ..but I'll switch out 2 of them and replace with 2x 2000k LED bulbs or a small 2000k flood light.. either way these things will slowly get added - FS/STELTHY:leaf:
Wow! This girl is a beast!!! I can't wait to see what she final yeilds.

Following closely!

Side note, this is not a weed plant, this is a fucking weed tree.
Wow! This girl is a beast!!! I can't wait to see what she final yeilds.

Following closely!

Side note, this is not a weed plant, this is a fucking weed tree.
Cheers THC-CK lol..yeah she is very tree-like now..defo gonna need a chopper or wood saw come harvest, lol.. I may add some other pics later.. Enjoy the ride dude. - FS/STELTHY:leaf:
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I have come to a problem..since heavilly trimming her max lollipop.. Some of the leave have mild tacoing and appear fairly dry and have brown dead or ultra dry edges and tips..

My first goto was I figured all that light on those little tops was too much so switched a few lamps off for now..

Then I moved the fans..now shes so big and the fans are still at the same height as when she was young sot the canopy is in direct line of 2 small fans..ive turned one off and redirected the other two..

PH and EC are in correct range..

BUT.. She has almost filled a 25l DWC pot densley and is only 3 to 4 ins away from the lid...SO,.....oh man !! I have a feeling i need to get a bigger pot...but she tightly scrogged in place.. I recon I should do this any way...but this is gonna be effort..

Ill snap some pics shortly and post em up ..get some of your opinions.. - FS/STELTHY:leaf:
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Yeah...I think to much light or lights too close with too much wind on the canopy for the fresh tops etc.. the new growth seems better, .. just topped up her nuits.. and 2 of my fans both died ..so me fans for me next pay day lol.. all in all though shes filling out and getting taller ..am really eager to switch to Flower ..but think I'll wait until her leaves are all looking green and sexy again .. and remove the shitty ones.. shes defo gonna get big !! - FS/STELTHY:leaf:
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Ill attempt the res change at the weekend.. Am gonna go from 25l to 80l fingers crossed her tight ass roots will spread out a bit and i know shes gonna love all that space for free roaming air bubbles .. - FS/STELTHY:leaf:
Sweet Christ that is a beast. I would definitely say the defol allowed more light to reach those leaves now, along with the great circulation of air around them.

This is just something I do, but after a defol I always pump my humidity up to 55-60% until I see her fully recover. All due to the above reasons really.

I can't get over how beastly that girl is!!!:twisted: