FTP: It's time to reform WHAT the police do, not just how they do it

This is a list of those who were set to die on death row.

100 Larry Osborne KY W 1999 2002 3 Charges Dismissed
101 Aaron Patterson IL B 1986 2003 17 Pardoned
102 Madison Hobley IL B 1987 2003 16 Pardoned
103 Leroy Orange IL B 1984 2003 19 Pardoned
104 Stanley Howard IL B 1987 2003 16 Pardoned
105 Rudolph Holton FL B 1986 2003 16 Charges Dismissed
106 Lemuel Prion AZ W 1999 2003 4 Charges Dismissed
107 Wesley Quick AL W 1997 2003 6 Acquitted
108 John Thompson LA B 1985 2003 18 Acquitted
109 Timothy Howard OH B 1976 2003 26 Charges Dismissed
110 Gary Lamar James OH B 1976 2003 26 Charges Dismissed
111 Joseph Amrine MO B 1986 2003 17 Charges Dismissed
112 Nicholas Yarris PA W 1982 2003 21 Charges Dismissed Yes
113 Alan Gell NC W 1998 2004 6 Acquitted
114 Gordon Steidl IL W 1987 2004 17 Charges Dismissed
115 Laurence Adams MA B 1974 2004 30 Charges Dismissed
116 Dan L. Bright LA B 1996 2004 8 Charges Dismissed
117 Ryan Matthews LA B 1999 2004 5 Charges Dismissed Yes
118 Ernest Ray Willis TX W 1987 2004 17 Charges Dismissed
119 Derrick Jamison OH B 1985 2005 20 Charges Dismissed
120 Harold Wilson PA B 1989 2005 16 Acquitted
121 John Ballard FL W 2003 2006 3 Acquitted
122 Curtis McCarty OK W 1986 2007 21 Charges Dismissed Yes
123 Michael McCormick TN W 1987 2007 20 Acquitted
124 Jonathon Hoffman NC B 1995 2007 12 Charges Dismissed
125 Kennedy Brewer MS B 1995 2008 13 Charges Dismissed Yes
126 Glen Chapman NC B 1994 2008 14 Charges Dismissed
127 Levon Jones NC B 1993 2008 15 Charges Dismissed
128 Michael Blair TX O 1994 2008 14 Charges Dismissed Yes
129 Nathson Fields IL B 1986 2009 23 Acquitted
130 Paul House TN W 1986 2009 23 Charges Dismissed
131 Daniel Wade Moore AL W 2002 2009 7 Acquitted
132 Ronald Kitchen IL B 1988 2009 21 Charges Dismissed
133 Herman Lindsey FL B 2006 2009 3 Acquitted
134 Michael Toney TX W 1999 2009 10 Charges Dismissed
135 Yancy Douglas OK B 1995 2009 14 Charges Dismissed
136 Paris Powell OK B 1997 2009 12 Charges Dismissed
137 Robert Springsteen TX W 2001 2009 8 Charges Dismissed
138 Anthony Graves TX B 1994 2010 16 Charges Dismissed
139 Gussie Vann TN W 1994 2011 17 Charges Dismissed
140 Joe D'Ambrosio OH W 1989 2012 23 Charges Dismissed
141 Damon Thibodeaux LA W 1997 2012 15 Charges Dismissed Yes
142 Seth Penalver FL W 1999 2012 13 Acquitted
143 Reginald Griffin MO B 1983 2013 30 Charges Dismissed
144 Glenn Ford LA B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed
145 Carl Dausch FL W 2011 2014 3 Acquitted
146 Henry McCollum NC B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed Yes
147 Leon Brown NC B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed Yes
148 Ricky Jackson OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
149 Wiley Bridgeman OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
150 Kwame Ajamu OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
151 Debra Milke AZ W 1990 2015 25 Charges Dismissed
152 Anthony Hinton AL B 1985 2015 30 Charges Dismissed
153 Willie Manning MS B 1996 2015 19 Charges Dismissed
154 Alfred Brown TX B 2005 2015 10 Charges Dismissed
155 Lawrence William Lee GA W 1987 2015 28 Charges Dismissed
156 Derral Wayne Hodgkins FL W 2013 2015 2 Acquitted
157 Isaiah McCoy DE B 2012 2017 4 Acquitted
158 Rodricus Crawford LA B 2012 2017 5 Charges Dismissed
159 Ralph Daniel Wright, Jr. FL B 2014 2017 3 Acquitted
160 Rickey Dale Newman AR W 2002 2017 16 Charges Dismissed
161 Gabriel Solache IL L 2000 2017 17 Charges Dismissed


Do you pretend to be stupid as fuck for the shock value or are you really stupid as fuck.
This list was way longer but RIU only allows for so many characters per message.

So the justice system is flawed but they have an appeal system that seems to help even that out. Good to know.
Prison has really fucked your head completely the fuck up. Any plans to return back ? You seem like you are having a hard time adjusting to the real world

Says the loser who can't hold a promise. You still sit here EVERY fucking day. Get a life, homie. Where's my t-shirt? Good for nothing, you are.
Says the loser who can't hold a promise. You still sit here EVERY fucking day. Get a life, homie. Where's my t-shirt? Good for nothing, you are.
You seem bitter, upset and mad. Not my fault you made a dumb decision and amplified it by turning snitch bitch. I decided against giving you a shirt, you take enough from us already with welfare.
You still sucking dick for snickers ?
Last edited:
Says the loser who can't hold a promise. You still sit here EVERY fucking day. Get a life, homie.



You've been here 2 years longer and have about 50,000 more posts. Who knows how many accounts you've run over the years. Shit, you went to prison and still come back. Surely, if anyone can appreciate the compulsion to return, it's you.
This is a list of those who were set to die on death row.

100 Larry Osborne KY W 1999 2002 3 Charges Dismissed
101 Aaron Patterson IL B 1986 2003 17 Pardoned
102 Madison Hobley IL B 1987 2003 16 Pardoned
103 Leroy Orange IL B 1984 2003 19 Pardoned
104 Stanley Howard IL B 1987 2003 16 Pardoned
105 Rudolph Holton FL B 1986 2003 16 Charges Dismissed
106 Lemuel Prion AZ W 1999 2003 4 Charges Dismissed
107 Wesley Quick AL W 1997 2003 6 Acquitted
108 John Thompson LA B 1985 2003 18 Acquitted
109 Timothy Howard OH B 1976 2003 26 Charges Dismissed
110 Gary Lamar James OH B 1976 2003 26 Charges Dismissed
111 Joseph Amrine MO B 1986 2003 17 Charges Dismissed
112 Nicholas Yarris PA W 1982 2003 21 Charges Dismissed Yes
113 Alan Gell NC W 1998 2004 6 Acquitted
114 Gordon Steidl IL W 1987 2004 17 Charges Dismissed
115 Laurence Adams MA B 1974 2004 30 Charges Dismissed
116 Dan L. Bright LA B 1996 2004 8 Charges Dismissed
117 Ryan Matthews LA B 1999 2004 5 Charges Dismissed Yes
118 Ernest Ray Willis TX W 1987 2004 17 Charges Dismissed
119 Derrick Jamison OH B 1985 2005 20 Charges Dismissed
120 Harold Wilson PA B 1989 2005 16 Acquitted
121 John Ballard FL W 2003 2006 3 Acquitted
122 Curtis McCarty OK W 1986 2007 21 Charges Dismissed Yes
123 Michael McCormick TN W 1987 2007 20 Acquitted
124 Jonathon Hoffman NC B 1995 2007 12 Charges Dismissed
125 Kennedy Brewer MS B 1995 2008 13 Charges Dismissed Yes
126 Glen Chapman NC B 1994 2008 14 Charges Dismissed
127 Levon Jones NC B 1993 2008 15 Charges Dismissed
128 Michael Blair TX O 1994 2008 14 Charges Dismissed Yes
129 Nathson Fields IL B 1986 2009 23 Acquitted
130 Paul House TN W 1986 2009 23 Charges Dismissed
131 Daniel Wade Moore AL W 2002 2009 7 Acquitted
132 Ronald Kitchen IL B 1988 2009 21 Charges Dismissed
133 Herman Lindsey FL B 2006 2009 3 Acquitted
134 Michael Toney TX W 1999 2009 10 Charges Dismissed
135 Yancy Douglas OK B 1995 2009 14 Charges Dismissed
136 Paris Powell OK B 1997 2009 12 Charges Dismissed
137 Robert Springsteen TX W 2001 2009 8 Charges Dismissed
138 Anthony Graves TX B 1994 2010 16 Charges Dismissed
139 Gussie Vann TN W 1994 2011 17 Charges Dismissed
140 Joe D'Ambrosio OH W 1989 2012 23 Charges Dismissed
141 Damon Thibodeaux LA W 1997 2012 15 Charges Dismissed Yes
142 Seth Penalver FL W 1999 2012 13 Acquitted
143 Reginald Griffin MO B 1983 2013 30 Charges Dismissed
144 Glenn Ford LA B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed
145 Carl Dausch FL W 2011 2014 3 Acquitted
146 Henry McCollum NC B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed Yes
147 Leon Brown NC B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed Yes
148 Ricky Jackson OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
149 Wiley Bridgeman OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
150 Kwame Ajamu OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
151 Debra Milke AZ W 1990 2015 25 Charges Dismissed
152 Anthony Hinton AL B 1985 2015 30 Charges Dismissed
153 Willie Manning MS B 1996 2015 19 Charges Dismissed
154 Alfred Brown TX B 2005 2015 10 Charges Dismissed
155 Lawrence William Lee GA W 1987 2015 28 Charges Dismissed
156 Derral Wayne Hodgkins FL W 2013 2015 2 Acquitted
157 Isaiah McCoy DE B 2012 2017 4 Acquitted
158 Rodricus Crawford LA B 2012 2017 5 Charges Dismissed
159 Ralph Daniel Wright, Jr. FL B 2014 2017 3 Acquitted
160 Rickey Dale Newman AR W 2002 2017 16 Charges Dismissed
161 Gabriel Solache IL L 2000 2017 17 Charges Dismissed


Do you pretend to be stupid as fuck for the shock value or are you really stupid as fuck.
This list was way longer but RIU only allows for so many characters per message.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well said, sir!

Some studies have shown there is strong reason to believe that over half of minority death row inmates in some jurisdictions may be innocent.

Anyone who believes in American Justice has not seen the sausage grinder that is our legal system.
So the justice system is flawed but they have an appeal system that seems to help even that out. Good to know.
Jesusfuck you're stupid. The Justice Project is NOT an official appeals progress.

Crawl back in your hole and pull it in behind you.
Every day.

I went out and got a life. How about you? What have you done lately?

I come here to be entertained. It's the internet. Thank you for your help with that. You all are a fucking joke to me. Still crying over the same shit that never got to me in the first place. Crying more than the people who went down. Fuck an EX meth dealer. You all defend them and don't even know. Every single one of you are being laughed at. WAHHH!!!! fdd snitched. Y'all are a joke.
Seems like something is bothering you. Is it the snitch part or being a bitch part.
You went out and got a life ???? Did you not have one before ?
Every day.

I went out and got a life. How about you? What have you done lately?

I come here to be entertained. It's the internet. Thank you for your help with that. You all are a fucking joke to me. Still crying over the same shit that never got to me in the first place. Crying more than the people who went down. Fuck an EX meth dealer. You all defend them and don't even know. Every single one of you are being laughed at. WAHHH!!!! fdd snitched. Y'all are a joke.
I pity your miserable pathetic excuse for a 'life' that has clearly left you so bitter.
This is a list of those who were set to die on death row.

100 Larry Osborne KY W 1999 2002 3 Charges Dismissed
101 Aaron Patterson IL B 1986 2003 17 Pardoned
102 Madison Hobley IL B 1987 2003 16 Pardoned
103 Leroy Orange IL B 1984 2003 19 Pardoned
104 Stanley Howard IL B 1987 2003 16 Pardoned
105 Rudolph Holton FL B 1986 2003 16 Charges Dismissed
106 Lemuel Prion AZ W 1999 2003 4 Charges Dismissed
107 Wesley Quick AL W 1997 2003 6 Acquitted
108 John Thompson LA B 1985 2003 18 Acquitted
109 Timothy Howard OH B 1976 2003 26 Charges Dismissed
110 Gary Lamar James OH B 1976 2003 26 Charges Dismissed
111 Joseph Amrine MO B 1986 2003 17 Charges Dismissed
112 Nicholas Yarris PA W 1982 2003 21 Charges Dismissed Yes
113 Alan Gell NC W 1998 2004 6 Acquitted
114 Gordon Steidl IL W 1987 2004 17 Charges Dismissed
115 Laurence Adams MA B 1974 2004 30 Charges Dismissed
116 Dan L. Bright LA B 1996 2004 8 Charges Dismissed
117 Ryan Matthews LA B 1999 2004 5 Charges Dismissed Yes
118 Ernest Ray Willis TX W 1987 2004 17 Charges Dismissed
119 Derrick Jamison OH B 1985 2005 20 Charges Dismissed
120 Harold Wilson PA B 1989 2005 16 Acquitted
121 John Ballard FL W 2003 2006 3 Acquitted
122 Curtis McCarty OK W 1986 2007 21 Charges Dismissed Yes
123 Michael McCormick TN W 1987 2007 20 Acquitted
124 Jonathon Hoffman NC B 1995 2007 12 Charges Dismissed
125 Kennedy Brewer MS B 1995 2008 13 Charges Dismissed Yes
126 Glen Chapman NC B 1994 2008 14 Charges Dismissed
127 Levon Jones NC B 1993 2008 15 Charges Dismissed
128 Michael Blair TX O 1994 2008 14 Charges Dismissed Yes
129 Nathson Fields IL B 1986 2009 23 Acquitted
130 Paul House TN W 1986 2009 23 Charges Dismissed
131 Daniel Wade Moore AL W 2002 2009 7 Acquitted
132 Ronald Kitchen IL B 1988 2009 21 Charges Dismissed
133 Herman Lindsey FL B 2006 2009 3 Acquitted
134 Michael Toney TX W 1999 2009 10 Charges Dismissed
135 Yancy Douglas OK B 1995 2009 14 Charges Dismissed
136 Paris Powell OK B 1997 2009 12 Charges Dismissed
137 Robert Springsteen TX W 2001 2009 8 Charges Dismissed
138 Anthony Graves TX B 1994 2010 16 Charges Dismissed
139 Gussie Vann TN W 1994 2011 17 Charges Dismissed
140 Joe D'Ambrosio OH W 1989 2012 23 Charges Dismissed
141 Damon Thibodeaux LA W 1997 2012 15 Charges Dismissed Yes
142 Seth Penalver FL W 1999 2012 13 Acquitted
143 Reginald Griffin MO B 1983 2013 30 Charges Dismissed
144 Glenn Ford LA B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed
145 Carl Dausch FL W 2011 2014 3 Acquitted
146 Henry McCollum NC B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed Yes
147 Leon Brown NC B 1984 2014 30 Charges Dismissed Yes
148 Ricky Jackson OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
149 Wiley Bridgeman OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
150 Kwame Ajamu OH B 1975 2014 39 Charges Dismissed
151 Debra Milke AZ W 1990 2015 25 Charges Dismissed
152 Anthony Hinton AL B 1985 2015 30 Charges Dismissed
153 Willie Manning MS B 1996 2015 19 Charges Dismissed
154 Alfred Brown TX B 2005 2015 10 Charges Dismissed
155 Lawrence William Lee GA W 1987 2015 28 Charges Dismissed
156 Derral Wayne Hodgkins FL W 2013 2015 2 Acquitted
157 Isaiah McCoy DE B 2012 2017 4 Acquitted
158 Rodricus Crawford LA B 2012 2017 5 Charges Dismissed
159 Ralph Daniel Wright, Jr. FL B 2014 2017 3 Acquitted
160 Rickey Dale Newman AR W 2002 2017 16 Charges Dismissed
161 Gabriel Solache IL L 2000 2017 17 Charges Dismissed


Do you pretend to be stupid as fuck for the shock value or are you really stupid as fuck.
This list was way longer but RIU only allows for so many characters per message.

Although last second, seems to me the checks and balances are operating well. Id guess a 98.75% accuracy. Sorry bout the ones who "didnt do it" but id be willing to bet that indirectly they were involved. And if the crime was so heinous that someone had to die for it, then all well your ass shouldnt of been there.