Fu htg supply!


Well-Known Member
Check my post out about Htg Reporting to the Feds.. I have done business with them but now i'm kinda worried.... =o/
You mind posting a link to that????

I've tried searching, but I can't find any record of that thread. I'd be quite interested in reading that!



Well-Known Member
Nevermind, I found it.

So, you eaves dropped on a conversation in a little local hydro shop about one of the biggest on-line vendors out there -- what did you expect them to do, endorse HTG??? :rolleyes:

That's pretty much High school level BS. Well I know a guy who heard from a guy who heard from a guy....................
IF it was /is true it is a matter of public record and would be VERY easy to verify on-line. I just ran a query and can find no mention of HTG in any pending lawsuits in the U.S.

Still, it could possibly be true, but I HIGHLY doubt it. If Uncle Sam wants to get your ass he is gonna get it. Period. There is nothing you can do but get out of "our hobby" to avoid this. The Feds have bigger fish to fry than someone buying a 600 watt HPS lamp. Now if someone bought, say a dozen or so 1,000 watt lights at one time, THAT might draw a bit of attention, but if they do that on-line they're an idiot anyway and deserve whatever they get for being so stupid. Sort of a Darwinism-in-action thing!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I have used HTG about 10 times now. Probably spent $1500 with them. One time a T5 light showed up with a broken bulb on Tuesday and I called them and had 3 new bulbs free of charge on Friday. Another time I had a 600 watt hps bulb burn out within weeks and they sent me a sunmaster a couple days later. I will never use anyone but HTG. They have good products at great prices and the best customer service available.​