FU*K Arjan Ultra Haze #1!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Ok, maybe I'm just venting here, but damn this plant has a TON of leaves.....leaves her, leaves there, LEAVES EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I've been manicuring for over 2 hours and I'm less than half way done. I had to walk away before I put my head through the wall!!!! Ok maybe I need a smoke break.:joint: lol. But seriously I think this will be the last time I grow this strain, there is a great yield but far to many leaves and way to time consuming to manicure.


Active Member
I think i can. Think positive
Ha ha ha, I'm trying. I'll have to post pics (which I don't like doing) so you can see what I'm dealing with. I think I'm gonna stick to my Pure Gold and Pure Power. High bud to leaf ratio and good yields and easy to manicure. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey think positive, just look at the hash pile your making. Oh and man i think you should just be be happy and thankful that your biggest problem is that you have to trim a bunch dank nuggies. Haha you could be a starving Ethiopian or something.