FUCK!!! All my clones keep dying.W/ PICS!


Active Member
This is a pic of my clone setup. Ive bought a couple of clones now, this is the second one. I dunno how long till its dead but it looks like its almost there. I trimmed away the big yellow leaves. I put distilled water in the pan every 3-4 days and rinse out the old. Thats a 6500k cfl above the dome. Dome has two small holes. 82 degrees in the dome thanks to the heating mat. Misting twice a day with distilled water. Please gimme some help.



Active Member
How old is that one?

How long since it was /cut?

I'm a newbie too or I'd help..I just cut some clones friday...would like to see other's opinions


Well-Known Member
Might be too much light. When I cloned my first plant I would put them under flourescent lights. Went to check on them a day or two later and they were all wilted. So I fed them and left. Came back the next day and my light was burned out and the clones have been thriving every since. And that was about a week ago. I have not put them under any lights since then and they are doing awesome. I have heard that clones don't need as much light. And also you might need to plug the 2 holes in your dome. The humidity needs to be very high inside your prop tray.


New Member
I clone with two small cfl's, that clone still looks alive to me. I make sure the rockwool is wet everyday and I mist with jumpstart but after 2-3 weeks I have lots of roots coming through the rw cube. Are you using 24 hr light. The only time i did not use 24 hr light and all of my clones died, but I have a 99-100% sucess rate.


Well-Known Member
That is correct, that clone looks very alive to me aswell. As long as there is green it is still alive.


Well-Known Member
its lookin a little drenched to me as well,, also,, dont want your rockwool to be drenched either,, good luck...:peace:....


Well-Known Member
I think its to much light too. I had the same thing happend to me. three cfls and it was killing them. the 2 bulbs went out for 2 days and there doing better alot better.


New Member
That clone looks better than alot of mine and they turn out fine. Its not dead it just takes a long time for roots to start.If it is was dead it would be crispy by now. Dont give up hope.


Well-Known Member
we are just giving you advice from the crap that we see, that your going through, that I ve been through,, not tryin to fuck with you just trying to help...:peace:......


Active Member
IMO take that dome off and get you a air stone in the water
thanks, ill do that tonight and post a pic on here as well. Are your cubes sitting in H20? All the time or occasionally? Just water? Im seeing your setup and its very similar to one ive seen in person but only once. He had a vey high success rate too. Thanks again.


Active Member
Clones do not need a lot of light as they are not spending any energy on leaf growth, rather it's working on getting it's root set.

You may also bit a bit too wet, if the medium is very soaked it won't encourage the roots to grow looking for water, also the roots do need to get oxygen too, so it needs to be moist, not too dry and not soaking wet.


New Member
1. Too wet.

2. Too much light.

3. Did you use rooting powder? If not, you should have.

4. Did you soak the RockWool before you put the clone in it? If not, you should have.

5. Before you put the clone into the RockWool, did you squeeze the water out? If so, you shouldn't have.

Make yourself a little DWC cloner with a small tub, some 1" net pots and an airstone. Take a close look at HighwayStar's cloner. That's exactly what I use and I get almost a 100% success rate time after time.

You don't want the RW sitting in the water. When you build your little cloner, you want the water level to be about 1/4 inch below the bottom of the net pots. The bubbles breaking on the surface coming up from the airstone will be enough to wet the bottom of the pots. The roots will seek out the water and grow toward it.

Good luck ...
