FUCK!!! All my clones keep dying.


Well-Known Member
it's been said over and over, but here's my $0.02 it is too wet that was my prob. too. I had HUGE moisture on my dome I took away the heating mat and didn't water so much sprayed them once a day let the water dry off and put the dome back on.

So little cooler temps and less water you'll be fine. I also hate rooting gel...


Active Member

you guys should really just try to keep it simple, in my own opinion and expirience i found spending 25$ on a tray,airpump,airstone and building an E-Z cloner will go alot further for you in the long run then trying a soil with a dome or just something old fashion like that...you dont NEED to, their are honestly a number of ways to clone but keep it simple with fast results, you can easily have clones rooted in 5-10 days no problem and already growing.

This is my way of doing it that might help some ppl out with clones dying all the time...so far i havent had a clone die on me, but their are certain things you need to do to be successful which is properly prep your clones and the rockwool and etc. stuff u can find in the GrowFAQ.

Here some pics of my little operation to give ya an idea

