Fuck bad transplant!! Will it die??

I just transplanted, the are about 11 days old, and I accidently lost some roots in the process, will they be OK?? I watered them well after, I didnt lose too much, maybe an inch of root, the main root is still intact. Please tell me it will survive


New Member
it will be fine.....I did that with my first indoor grow with one plant out of 3.....i ripped her roots damn near in half....needless to say that plant turned out to be my only female and wasnt even 30 inches tall when i harvested her , and i still pulled amost 2 oz,s off oif her , cfl grow to....so im sure your plant will be fine man....good luck....
Cheers, glad to hear that...didnt want it to die this early it was my most promising looking plant as well. How much did it set back its growth before it was back to normal?

Brick Top

New Member
Most likely it will be fine if you baby it some but don’t go overboard and kill it with kindness. Keep the soil good and moist but not wet.

Actually it could in the end be somewhat of a help. At our nursery when something gets root bound, which isn’t often but it can happen, we cut the roots and just like topping a plant the roots will split off in two from where it was cut so if it isn’t to shocked and if it hasn’t lost to much to pull in what it needs and if you don’t kill it with kindness trying to save it you may be more than just ok in the end.


Well-Known Member
It'll be stressed... I tore one to shit one time... the upward growth was slowed big time till I topped the plant... but that was a real bad tear.. I will disagree with the "well watered" thing slightly.. yeah a good watering but you want the roots to look for water..... I'd water every 3-4 days..... it may take a few days till she comes around.... Luck.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
when you transplant you always keep them well watered till they fully recover. thats standered practice by all growers. :bigjoint:

and always water before you repot too reduce stress. ;-)
It seems fine now, I didn't lose too much root, I just noticed a bit left in the old pot, it appears to have recovered without any problems, noticed some growth since yesterday and it looks just as healthy as before so should be OK