Fuck Bars!!


Well-Known Member
klonopins are just as bad... *shudder*
(another benzodiazapan)

forgot a whole weekend... woke up with $150 in cash on my desk and new speakers that i have no idea how i paid for or where the money came from... i guess it was the opposite of that guys story... just kinda scary eating one fri night... then waking up mon and really have no idea where you have been... then it creeps back like a dream you kind of remember and you have to ask people "did we do that?" or was that a dream!?

also knew a guy who was drunk and on bars... ended up whooping 2-3 cops asses while they were asking his friend some questions. he woke up a day later bleeding out of his ears and mouth (cops worked him over really well) and didnt remember a damn thing... spent his 2nd christmas in jail, lost a football scholorship.
leason... dont fuck with benzodiazapans


Well-Known Member
ya id have to agree with whatever she said.... bars fuck ppl over... i used to roll with bars and nothing ever good came from pills... went to jail, got my car total'd.... 06' nissan 350z with supercharger =/... pills make you do stupid shit... WHEN WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE. choose the people you do your drugs with, it makes a big difference. trust me, been there!


Well-Known Member
"its horrible to hang around people who are barred out. cant hold a conversation for shit and ask you the same fucking questions over and over. its stupid

Lol... would have to agree with this..... but i was the one asking the same fucking questions over and over. Peace :)


Well-Known Member
I got my hands on a script of 90 xani bars back in the day. I had never taken them before that day. It was a thursday. I took one at around 4pm. Remember feeling clumbsy, kind of jelly legged.. I'm pretty sure I took another around 6 or so. The next thing I remember it was Saturday morning and I was standing in the hallway and my sister was laughing at me. I thought It was friday Morining, but she told me it was Saturday. She also told me that I had no pants on. Man, I felt like shit that morning. I found out later that day from my freinds that I was the life of the party thrusday night. The party at my house. That I don't remember having. They say, I was giving out these xanax to anyone who wanted them. I was jumping in the pool naked, and i passed out on the couch, with a house full of people, also naked. Friday afternoon, they woke me up off the livingroom couch and told me to go to bed. I have no memory of this. When I came to on saturday, I had no Xanax, no money, no car keys (they took those away) And No PANTS. I made phone calls for hours trying to figure out, What the Fuck happened to Friday, and WHERE ARE MY PANTS.......

Never the less, That was the first time I took Xanax, Certainly not the last........


New Member
Oh yes. Prescription pills. Bars. Right. Thats is SOOO obvious. How stupid of us all.

Yes I can see how all of us have been fucked over for bars:confused::confused::confused:

Yeah they have a HUGE priority in our house. :eyesmoke::bigjoint:bongsmilie:peace:

how does xanax = bars?

how is that obvious?

maybe the white ones. i guess. i usually see the blues.



Well-Known Member
I got my hands on a script of 90 xani bars back in the day. I had never taken them before that day. It was a thursday. I took one at around 4pm. Remember feeling clumbsy, kind of jelly legged.. I'm pretty sure I took another around 6 or so. The next thing I remember it was Saturday morning and I was standing in the hallway and my sister was laughing at me. I thought It was friday Morining, but she told me it was Saturday. She also told me that I had no pants on. Man, I felt like shit that morning. I found out later that day from my freinds that I was the life of the party thrusday night. The party at my house. That I don't remember having. They say, I was giving out these xanax to anyone who wanted them. I was jumping in the pool naked, and i passed out on the couch, with a house full of people, also naked. Friday afternoon, they woke me up off the livingroom couch and told me to go to bed. I have no memory of this. When I came to on saturday, I had no Xanax, no money, no car keys (they took those away) And No PANTS. I made phone calls for hours trying to figure out, What the Fuck happened to Friday, and WHERE ARE MY PANTS.......

Never the less, That was the first time I took Xanax, Certainly not the last........
I got that way from drinking Jim Beam Whiskey.

I was having a good time & drank an entire 5th of whiskey,i woke up in the daylight & needed to take a leak badly,my vison was fucked up bad,so im stumbling to the bathroom buck naked,grab that puppy & start draining it when strange noises start happening,now im trying to focus my vison while taking the longest piss of my life.

Now my vison is getting better & i see my neighbors on the porch & their clapping & laughing,im thinking wtf are these idiots looking at & why can i see them from my bathroom window,right then i look down & im on my front porch,buck ass naked holding a piss hard on in broad daylight :confused::oops:.

I talked to my neighbors later that day & said i was sorry,the neighbor lady just kept saying i had a nice butt,that shit embarrassed the fuk out of me,i try & stay away from whiskey after that fiasco.


Well-Known Member
damm i love hearing bar stories everyone has them haha ive probley taken hmmm like 300 bars jesus 3 years of straight taking them everyday it was ridiculous i kinda regret it i don't remember 11, 12th or after that year really, well i remember like parts but wow i was fuckkkked up. they bring bad things to u tho i have a friend who's in jail for 4 years for manufacturing and delivery over like 600+ bars kinda fucked up plus he had more felonies bc of bars. Now i take .5 mg bar once every couple day jus for the feeling of being drunk, i dont go do crazyy shit its all about self control man if you dont have alot of it i would advise u not taking it, but bars is also like getting high for the first time i think i was more fucked up getting high for the first time, holy shit i was fucking hearing shit i thought i was on shrooms, and if u take a bar for the first time ur gonna get sooooooooooo fucked up, but my roomate is perscribed them so it makes my day easyyyyyyyyyyyy:blsmoke: homegrown chronic+0.5 mg bar+ a corona= amazing night ill tell u that


Active Member
there not bad if taken in moderation and like a responsible ADULT. first most people dont need to take 2mg bars most would be ok with a 1mg blue. take it and stay at home dont go out and cause problems for everyone else. the only thing that will happen is you end up getting busted for something stupid and get caught with a little weed making pot smokers look bad to everyone( its the crazy weed that made them do it ). point is just be RESPONSIBLE.


Well-Known Member
how do you get them?prescription wise?what do you tell the doctor to get on them?i could make more money,i sell my adderall when i get them,quick and easy money.any info on how to get prescibed xanex would be appreciated.

ps pills suck anyways,they fuck ur liver and kidneys


Active Member
Zannys are fun, but yeah pretty easy to get busted if you take a good amount. They can be fun in a chill enviornment with freinds to make sure you dont do something stupid :)


Well-Known Member
also knew a chick that took them all the time for about 5 years and now has seizures.. was at work one day all bar'd out a and just went into a seizure, hit her head, freak everyone out.

crazzzy shit


Well-Known Member

I was addicted to Xanax for 9 years. I started taking them when I was in high school. I stopped caring for anything and did shitty in school. My entire life revolved around getting high on these things. Some people say damn man, you sound like a junky...I'll never get like that.

Well that's the shitty thing with these...take them for a week and eat like two a day...and your hooked. I went from eating 1 like once every couple days. And before you knew it I was eating 10 + more a day.

Then I started selling them...I would usually end up eating all 500 of them instead of selling them like I had originally wanted to. Things got worse at this point..this is prolly 3-4 years later. Now I'm getting DWI's (I wasn't really drunk..I was barred out!) all the time. I always got off(our legal system is fucked up) with a warning or probation...Funny thing is I was really drunk, i was drunk on bars, so technically from what that law means, i should never have gotten in trouble at all.

I went threw probably 4 cars while I was addicted, due to crashes or some other wild shit. I've almost died twice in a car wreck while being fucked up on em.

coming off was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I decided one day, while I was being made fun of(shit happens all the time..you do stupid shit on bars) that I was going to quit.

I went to a doctor and was advised I should only do this under strict supervison...IE fucken rehab...I decided not to because I was strong and thought I could do it.

I was prescribed a mild form of benzo to help me come off of them. that shit was wack and didn't get me high...was just barely enough. Now i'm going into seizers and breaking down mentally. I didn't think I was going to make it..I began to lose touch with reality. Sometimes I WOULD have nightmares and thought that shit was real. I would wake up thinking whatever happened in my dream...was really still happening. I started becoming really paranoid...life sucked let me tell you.

I eventually got off that shit...and here I am today...having to smoke pot to stay cool. That shit fucked me up mentally and I am still not the same as I was when I first started taking them. I have bad anxiety from doing this shit so long...I can never calm down...it's like I'm wired 24/7

There's so much more I left out, but that's a big part of what I went through.




Whoever reads this..please trust me on this...

Bar is called a bar because it looks like a bar:

Other people might refer to them as Handle Bars, Quads, GG's

Smaller doses are in 1mg, .5mg....25mg

These are called footballs where I come from, due to their shape.



Well-Known Member
Yea, it is sad...

Ruins lives...crzy this shit is even legal...

Funny how government can allow that shit, but not pot - GO FIGURE!


Well-Known Member
I was all screwed up on night and I got arrested with a bag of 6 zannies. The cop didn't know what they were. I thought I would get caught anyway, so I told him they were Xanax. The police Report Read: Possession of class E Zantac..
It's funny because the zantac they were going to charged me with, was only like a class E or something, and the XANAX would have been a bigger charge. I told them I told the judge I didn't need a script for it.
Why would they doubt it. It's it fucking heartburn medican.

Well, the police report read: possesion of (I forget the class it was in) Zantac.
I spent 7 hours of so at the police station over the whole thing. Two time I went to court, The judge dissmissed all the charges and said That getting arrested in the first place was punishment enough.

That poor cop, I told him they were Xanax. He must of had Zantac on his mind.

I wonder, what ever happened to those xanax?????


Well-Known Member

Dude, read my post!

@ islandgreenguy

Try almost getting popped with 200! I had them in the back of my car when I got in a wreck on the highway..I loved them so much that I didn't want to toss them so I hid them in the back of my trunk. Cop searched my car, but luckily never found the bars.

When I got out of jail I went to pick up my car and they were still in there...LETS just say not for too long.


Well-Known Member

Dude, read my post!

@ islandgreenguy

Try almost getting popped with 200! I had them in the back of my car when I got in a wreck on the highway..I loved them so much that I didn't want to toss them so I hid them in the back of my trunk. Cop searched my car, but luckily never found the bars.

When I got out of jail I went to pick up my car and they were still in there...LETS just say not for too long.
you lucky fuck... do you think the bars might have had somthing to do with the reck on the highway???


Well-Known Member
Yea, did you read my post? LOL

I don't remember much....just tid bits of it and this wasn't like my first time, by this time I had already been eating like 10-20 a day. I remember leaving my buddies house and thinking I better take a different route cuz there is mad cops on this one part of the highway...after that..NOTHEN! I woke up to a BOOM..that was me hitting the car in front of me. So pretty much I was like a zombie at the wheel, totally oblivious to anything....

Spent about 5 days in jail that time....

Funny thing is there was no reason for me to even take that many with me, i just did it for I dunno what reason. The drive from my place to his (mostly where I chilled at the time) was like a 20 minute drive. I did that shit ALLLL the time..I don't know how I made it from my place to all around that side of town so many times with only crashing 2-3 times. I should pretty much be dead right now.