Fuck Bars!!


Well-Known Member
Shit iv'e got a script for the bluies for my hodophobia and anxiety get them filled every month but never have taken even one...im squirreling them back...for what I haven't a clue but ive got scads of them! And by the way you guys are talking im thinking ive done good not taking them so I will continue adding to the blue mountain might be handy one day.:blsmoke:
blues as is roxy 30s? wow i would sell those bitches 20 a piece man lol


Well-Known Member
blues as is roxy 30s? wow i would sell those bitches 20 a piece man lol
Blue as in 1mg footballs...

see post below..


I was addicted to Xanax for 9 years. I started taking them when I was in high school. I stopped caring for anything and did shitty in school. My entire life revolved around getting high on these things. Some people say damn man, you sound like a junky...I'll never get like that.

Well that's the shitty thing with these...take them for a week and eat like two a day...and your hooked. I went from eating 1 like once every couple days. And before you knew it I was eating 10 + more a day.

Then I started selling them...I would usually end up eating all 500 of them instead of selling them like I had originally wanted to. Things got worse at this point..this is prolly 3-4 years later. Now I'm getting DWI's (I wasn't really drunk..I was barred out!) all the time. I always got off(our legal system is fucked up) with a warning or probation...Funny thing is I was really drunk, i was drunk on bars, so technically from what that law means, i should never have gotten in trouble at all.

I went threw probably 4 cars while I was addicted, due to crashes or some other wild shit. I've almost died twice in a car wreck while being fucked up on em.

coming off was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I decided one day, while I was being made fun of(shit happens all the time..you do stupid shit on bars) that I was going to quit.

I went to a doctor and was advised I should only do this under strict supervison...IE fucken rehab...I decided not to because I was strong and thought I could do it.

I was prescribed a mild form of benzo to help me come off of them. that shit was wack and didn't get me high...was just barely enough. Now i'm going into seizers and breaking down mentally. I didn't think I was going to make it..I began to lose touch with reality. Sometimes I WOULD have nightmares and thought that shit was real. I would wake up thinking whatever happened in my dream...was really still happening. I started becoming really paranoid...life sucked let me tell you.

I eventually got off that shit...and here I am today...having to smoke pot to stay cool. That shit fucked me up mentally and I am still not the same as I was when I first started taking them. I have bad anxiety from doing this shit so long...I can never calm down...it's like I'm wired 24/7

There's so much more I left out, but that's a big part of what I went through.




Whoever reads this..please trust me on this...

Bar is called a bar because it looks like a bar:

Other people might refer to them as Handle Bars, Quads, GG's

Smaller doses are in 1mg, .5mg....25mg

These are called footballs where I come from, due to their shape.


Most I ever paid was 3 dollars and that was singles. If I got them on the hookup they were more like 50 cents..

that was for the bars...


Active Member
people around here pay like 5 dollars for single 2mg bars, 2-$3 for single blues. They do work very well for anxiety i get the peach .5mg from my doctor and dont take alot of em but i do take them when im having alot of anxiety. they work well, sometimes make me a lil drowsy but i dont pass out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
wow get with the time people hahah
its quite the obvious

get with the time people?
you are talking about a prescription fucking drug in "bars" like youre some hot shit, if xanax is so common that you have coined it "bars" you need serious help, you are a fucking idiot

Go drink 3 quarts of lysol, stab yourself with an oldschool pencil and drive off a cliff you are a fucking idiot
who the fuck does xanax, get off this forum u dumbass believing in corporate healthcare like prescription pills do anything, and then you act like youre the shit cause you run with people that do these pills, WHO GETS JACKED FOR MEDICINE your soft.


Well-Known Member
I have my medical marijuana card for a reason, so i dont have to take that manufactured crap.....

Peace, love, and green (not "bars")


Well-Known Member
if you tried to sell me a 30mg roxy for 20 i would give you a mushroom tatoo on your forehead and then jack you for your stash :evil:

namebrand 80s shouldnt be more than 40
thats how much roxys on the street are here man. no lie. if you pay any less then 20 then thats a fuckin deal bro lol. but i dont fuck around with that stupid shit no more. ive had my share fair of pills and im done with em. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats how much roxys on the street are here man. no lie. if you pay any less then 20 then thats a fuckin deal bro lol. but i dont fuck around with that stupid shit no more. ive had my share fair of pills and im done with em. :mrgreen:
thats crazy you cant even mainline roxys :spew:


Well-Known Member
thats how much roxys on the street are here man. no lie. if you pay any less then 20 then thats a fuckin deal bro lol. but i dont fuck around with that stupid shit no more. ive had my share fair of pills and im done with em. :mrgreen:

till they got big time, i could get the roxi 30's for 10.. 5 if i bought a lot.. i could get oxy 20's for 10 too... then everyone else loved them too and the price went up... its not worth it.. spend the 20 on a bag and smoke and then the next day, you dont have to worry about what you did the day before...


Well-Known Member
till they got big time, i could get the roxi 30's for 10.. 5 if i bought a lot.. i could get oxy 20's for 10 too... then everyone else loved them too and the price went up... its not worth it.. spend the 20 on a bag and smoke and then the next day, you dont have to worry about what you did the day before...
i dont do pills anymore so weed is the only thing i buy :mrgreen:


Active Member
lets make a thread about vikodin too that would be awesome. maybe your friend deserved to be jacked and hit just for the reason of distributing that bullshit throughout the streets. And slang is different everywhere you go so why the hell would you come onto the WORLD WIDE WEB and refer to something totally abstract as bars?

fuck xanex and all prescription pills.


Well-Known Member
lets make a thread about vikodin too that would be awesome. maybe your friend deserved to be jacked and hit just for the reason of distributing that bullshit throughout the streets. And slang is different everywhere you go so why the hell would you come onto the WORLD WIDE WEB and refer to something totally abstract as bars?

fuck xanex and all prescription pills.
hmm one thing i dont agree... i will alway support distribution on the street. fuck the cops. keep this shit goin


Active Member
hmm one thing i dont agree... i will alway support distribution on the street. fuck the cops. keep this shit goin
how can you get more ironic? The government makes tons of money from prescription pills by getting people hooked on them. I totally agree with fucking the cops, but fuck them with something they won't just gain from.


Well-Known Member
yea alot of my friends are addicted to bars and i used 2 be then i just came to realiz that bars are nothing but trouble now all i fuck with is bud and alcohol


Well-Known Member
lets make a thread about vikodin too that would be awesome. maybe your friend deserved to be jacked and hit just for the reason of distributing that bullshit throughout the streets. And slang is different everywhere you go so why the hell would you come onto the WORLD WIDE WEB and refer to something totally abstract as bars?

fuck xanex and all prescription pills.
your retarded if you smoke herb and wanna act like other drugs are bad your a fucking hipocrite if you dont like them dont do them but dont all holier than fucking thou just cuz you dont do a drug fucking douche bag


Well-Known Member
lol i have similar experiences with bars but i dont fuck with them anymore theyve caused me wayy to much trouble

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
lol, its juts xanax. not like synthetic heroin. if you get high anxiety levels, like really intense, they will prescribe a form of xanax for you....when used properly, xanax is beneficial. i use it in a legal manner.