Fuck Colorado I'm going back to texas

I drink whatever I want too. I ain't gotta be all bad ass about it either. If I want something real I drink whiskey. 6 years ago I killed a liter every freeking day. Jim beam was my fav then. I slowed down now. God gave me stomach issues. I can't drink like that anymore. I would hate to see a picture of my liver. I'm sure it's fucked in a big way. It's just drinking hell. I killed a fifth of Everclear once. That stuff had a major bite. I mean, I was only able to do it because I had already killed most of my taste buds drinking Jim beam. I did tho. No chaser. I won't ever try that again tho.

Anyone ever killed a 1/2 gallon of Jim Beam in one night? I left about 2 fingers in the bottle once. OMG! I was fucked for a solid 36 hours so after. Alcohol detox is a mofo when you drink that much. I don't even have hangovers. Just shake like a mofo.

The only way I can drink the hard stuff is in Long Island Tea or a Margarita or a Screwdriver or a Daquairi or...well, you get the picture.
The only way I can drink the hard stuff is in Long Island Tea or a Margarita or a Screwdriver or a Daquairi or...well, you get the picture.
Yeah. I come from a bunch of hardcore alcoholics. Back in the day my grandfather would buy cooking sherry from the grocery and drink it cause it was a dry county at the time. Being an alcoholic is nothing to be proud of tho. I used to love a good screwdriver, daquirie and kamikazees back when I was young. Now I just drink straight out the bottle or jar and get down to business. Don't have to piss as much except when I drink some beers first. If I'm in a bar tho I will drink bud light just cause I don't wanna get all wasted in like 3 hours. But, honestly I don't go to bars very often anymore.