fUcK it!! im going for it!!


Well-Known Member
today ill be changing to 12/12 to determine the sex of my 4 plants... once theyve showed sex ill revert back to veg and take clones and iv heard that taking clones of a flowering plant is cool and also that its ok to revert back to veg....

what ya'll think


New Member

sexing them,and then revegging them compolicates shit man,thats stuopid.just clone before,and keep each clone sperated and laebeled with the plants u took them 4rm./.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else said. No need to stress them. Take clones and label them. Then when you find out which are males just chuck them.


Well-Known Member
If You have another room, take clones and start to flower them, to determine sex. In that way You can grow Your mother plants bigger, but You already will know, which are female.


Well-Known Member
but what if i just cut off the branch that iv used to determine the sex?? then the branch that grows back will be in veg.. correct?


Well-Known Member
monkz said:
but what if i just cut off the branch that iv used to determine the sex?? then the branch that grows back will be in veg.. correct?
Sorry, did not understand.


Well-Known Member
I've taken clones during flower, without hormones, just straight water cloning. Guess what, it worked like a charm. :weed:

Forgot to mention that I did it right after the plants showed their first female flowers. I wouldn't take any cuttings if the plants were more than a week or two into flower.


New Member
but what if i just cut off the branch that iv used to determine the sex?? then the branch that grows back will be in veg.. correct?
listen..you can def skin the cat MANYYYY ways when it somes to cultiuvating cannabis..however here at riu we want people to keep it simple.....

what youre doing is essentially cloning a flowering plant..which isnt ideal since the clones take ALOT longer to root..thats if theyr root at all...man,please just clone them right now..keep the clones under a few household cfls...then when the plants show sex,you can throw away the male plants and male clones...that it the easiest and quickest way to keep mothers..then once you harvest and try out the diffrent phenos..you can choose the best clone as your mother plant!!!then the reall fun starts...:fire:

if not,DOOO NOT regve a floering plant..too much stress..