I got a question... In these DWC buckets when tha roots of tha plant are still in tha rockwool, I still gotta top water em right?? cuz I been doin it 3 times a day. Is that too much??
95F isnt too hot?? lol come on bro thats crazy talk even with CO2 95 is too hot are you serious??95F isnt too hot as long as you have a ton of air circulation going on. Assuming the 95F is being read at the canopy of the plants, you should have fans blowing over the top of the canopy and getting rid of all that heat along with cooltubes. Make sure your soil is always hydrated and that you have fans blowing up into the foliage from below to feed CO2 to the under foliage.
Higher temps bring around pests, so take precautions against spider mites, etc.
I got a question... In these DWC buckets when tha roots of tha plant are still in tha rockwool, I still gotta top water em right?? cuz I been doin it 3 times a day. Is that too much??
That guy is right you need to get a Portable indoor airconditioner and exhaust the hot air from the aircontioner out the window our into our attic.....set up some bambo blinds so the air can pass through the blinds but poeple on the outside wont see the ducting...i made a wooden box the same size as the window frame and then slid the shallow box into the window frame on the inside of the box i panited it and put blinds on the inside and then hooked my exhast up to the the back of the box so now it all gets exhausted into the box then out the winow but from the outsie all you see is blinds works great not only do you only see blinds but its light proof so no mater what im doing on the inside on the outside it just looks like the lights are off and the blinds are down.....
Its just a matter of making sure your rockwool is still moist and not bone dry, ya prob. really only have to water them once in the morning and once at night as long as your temperatures aren't blistering hot, so your prob. fine anyways since your running CFLS, they don't even get hot. I'm subbing to this, can't wait to see what ya got 3 months from now! Being patient sucks, I too can't wait for Feb/March. Check my journal out https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/371410-1000w-master-kush-swiss-cheese.html
That guy is right you need to get a Portable indoor airconditioner and exhaust the hot air from the aircontioner out the window our into our attic.....set up some bambo blinds so the air can pass through the blinds but poeple on the outside wont see the ducting...i made a wooden box the same size as the window frame and then slid the shallow box into the window frame on the inside of the box i panited it and put blinds on the inside and then hooked my exhast up to the the back of the box so now it all gets exhausted into the box then out the winow but from the outsie all you see is blinds works great not only do you only see blinds but its light proof so no mater what im doing on the inside on the outside it just looks like the lights are off and the blinds are down.....
Damn bro,, I was thinkin of doin somithin exactly like that..
You got any pics of how u got it setup?? I would love to see how it actually looks
Na got no pics its acutally in use right now its all coverd up with sound damping material......but if you have any question i can give ya more details on how i made it...was prettty easy really just got some 1" by 3" boards cut them to length.....then i got a thin sheet of partical wood for the backing. I used the 1"by3" boards for the sides....Its a real shallow box only 3" deep because the board is 1" thick and 3"'s wide ....make sense? basicaly it just looks like a big square tray with 3 inch side walls all round it . then i cut a 6" hole on the back sheet of partical board the attached a duct flange to the backside and hooked my exhaust to that...Main thing is you have to make the box just small enough to fit and slide INSIDE the window frame....if its too big it wont fit at all if its too small it wont be snug and fall out or have leaks........I also got some weather stripping and put that around the sides of the 1"by3" boards so its dosent scrape the the paint inside of the window frame also the weather striping creates a better seal too......so when doing the measuring you have to account for the the weather stripping aswell becasue if you make it jus big enough to fit in the window frame then later add with the weather striping it would make it to big to fit inside the frame, so you have to make it big enough to fit plus whatever you use to seal it like the stripping....then i painted the inside of the box so it didnt look like wood......I then got some blinds and attached them to the inside of the box hanging from top to bottom just like they would be normally the end result is from the outside just looks like a room with blinds down and light off..... Took me over a month of frustration to figure this out on my own....
build the box out of foam board. there are tutorials on the net and i know there is a good one on ic for sure i used it to build mine.
portable AC's are garbage build a box on the back of your window AC and put your window AC as high in the room as you can. run a piece of 6" duct from the box to a board that fits in your window. make the board like 8" so it just looks like the window is cracked and cover the board in speaker cloth or some other cloth that wont make it obvious that there is the 6" duct. it will look a little odd maybe but it wont be noticeable if you are on a higher floor.
other option is to build a box around the entire window and paint it black and pipe the duct to that box. then you can have the window just cracked and nothing would be in the window and from the outside it will just look like the lights are off in that room.
trust me portable AC's suck they are not efficient AND they leak smell. i had one and ditched it quickly.
you think you could find that link or explain it to me??, cuz foam board does sound better than plywood,, less heat
what kind of portable AC you had??
Well heats not really and issue with the box why would heat be an issue not sure what you mean?? but i do think the foam would sure be easyer to instal and take down my box was pretty big and heavy and ocward...but it dosent get hot in any way really
I Would agree that any kinda portable product is never going to be as good as a perminate placed producted but i doubt they are as bad has hes saying i know people that use them and they work good for them.....also buying a NICE one over a crap one might have somting to do with is aswell....gotta use a lil commen sense alot of people like to over exaggerate things on here.....just take everyones addvice into conceteration and make your own mind dont listen to one person including me........I would say getting a portable air conditioner thats good quality is a better idea then turning a window air condintioner into a portable airconditioner using wood and shit thats not vary practical for someone that is living in an aprtment kinda defeats the purpsoe of the word PORTABLE lol......that IMO anyways