Fuck Me Running Naked!!!! ARGH!!!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This morning has started on with a bang. Literally. I had to drop off some paperwork at my doctor's office this morning. I was driving around to his office when the sun hit my eyes and I couldn't see for a second. When I could see there was a light pole directly in my path. I was going too fast to stop so I swerved to the side.

And scraped the side of my car all the way down. It dented the real wheel well and peeled about 4 foot of paint right off.

I hate my life. :cuss:


Active Member
I lost 5k in the stock market last week.......... and my car is only worth 4k..........

I do somewhat feel your pain...... lol

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
This morning has started on with a bang. Literally. I had to drop off some paperwork at my doctor's office this morning. I was driving around to his office when the sun hit my eyes and I couldn't see for a second. When I could see there was a light pole directly in my path. I was going too fast to stop so I swerved to the side.

And scraped the side of my car all the way down. It dented the real wheel well and peeled about 4 foot of paint right off.

I hate my life. :cuss:

Is it possible to fuck while running?


Pickle Queen
I think it can be done, i only weight 100lbs wet ;)

Does running in spot with her back against the wall count?


Well-Known Member
I can pick my girlfriend up and fuck her. Then I could start running. Id be the only one running, would this still count?


Well-Known Member
Hell ya I'm gonna have to give that one a go. Just keep carne and his crazy driving away. I don't wanna get side swiped while run/fucking!