Fuck my light fell and smashed my plants!~


Well-Known Member
So i have 8 plants going and 10 more that just got planted 2 days ago well..my light fucking fell down and fucking cut the coal/top off to two of my plants...i cut the top off i kept them in the dirt and everything...so..do u think thoes plants are fucked...or will they keep growing...my bro told me to take the tops and germ. then replant them and give them some nutes it might clone..but i dont think so


Well-Known Member
The plants will grow just fine. If the colas were still attached you should have tried straightening them and splinting them. I've done that to good results. It's hard to clone flowering plants.


Well-Known Member
they wernt flowering they were only like 2 weeks old..thats why i said its not the cola..its what would of been the cola...but i put the top of the 2 plants in germ. block just like 2 mins ago and im going to try to see if it will clone...shit its already fucked up..why dont do some experments with them...but do u think the ones that the tops got cut off do u think they will still grow?..or do u think thoes two just went to shit?


Well-Known Member
Yes, they will still grow if there are any three leaf fans left. That's just like topping a plant. The tops in the blocks should root just fine. That's just like cloning a larger plant but a bit early.


Active Member
hahahaahahahahha 2 wks old???

dont bend anything and the plant should fix itself. u havnt lost any cola's, dont worry.

did u smash your light? did u take pics? pls provide if so


Well-Known Member
my fucking dig is dead and my friend used my fucking charger im going to tell him to bring it over ill post some pics later..but no the light didnt break i got 2 grow spots..ones at my girlfriends house..her moms cool with it she loves 2 take care of my plants shes a stay at home mom and she has a whole like green room she calls it...just plants that come in for the summer so shes going to let me put them in there when they are about a foot tall...but i start them off in a chest..that u would keep shit in...and when i opened the lid one of the fucking hinges fell off and then the light feel down right ontop of like 4 plants but 2 of them the tops were cut off..but i put the to of the tops in germ. blocks and there were no fan leafs on the two starters


Well-Known Member
Fuck....thank god my plants stayed alive today..when the tops got cut off i put them in germinating blocks but i didnt used any root hormone and its still looking live and well...hopefully its going to be good in the morning too...well have 2 see tho


Well-Known Member
heres one for ya, i dropped a fan trying to hide my op. since its in a dresser i tried turning the dresser around as someone was coming in to check the heater. i took the grill off the fan because it was restricting airflow well it fell on my plants while it was on lol can u say blender? it ended up fimming my already pruned plant lmao


Well-Known Member
haha thats great..i feel for you man..i was so pissed this mronign i was just in shock..like AWW SHIT!..NO how did this just happen...i think they are going to pull through tho


Well-Known Member
oh forsure it should pull through. ive put my plants through hell and back and ive yet to experience any shock after rippen roots from transplanting, changing the lights like mad, the fan mauling them nuttin has stopped the growth at all. hope you have as much luck with yours


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i think they are going to work i jsut check on them 5 mins ago at 1am im turning my light off...and thats when im going to be scared...idk if i should lets them sleep tonight..i dont think it will go into shock and at night is when ur roots dig deeper too trying to find water they havent been watered for 2 days besides the ones that got cut i hope that tonights sleep will boost them up!

but ya im giving u some +rep...haha for keeping them bitches alive! good work son!


Well-Known Member
why do u need pics...i got my own problem figured out everythings good and done taken care of for today..its just tonight im worried about


Well-Known Member
thanks bro +rep to u aswell for not given up on the girls. im tired of people tellin others to just ditch the plant cause of stupid little shit.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i keep them outside the trunk last night in a box and didnt have a fan on them last night just hoped they would be okay..i just turned my light back on at 7 and they are looking fine again ...but im fucking tired as hel i need 2 quit making my self run on 18on/6off but i think they are going to be fine....its still only day 2


Well-Known Member

I dropped a fuckin mirror on 2 of mine once. Broke one like 5 inches from the base, bent her at a 90 degree angle. I stood the bitch back up, and braced her with chopsticks (my garden secret), twist ties, and leaves. I took the leaves off a day or 2 later, and left the braces a couple weeks. That plant ended up being just as good as the others.