Fuck my light fell and smashed my plants!~


Active Member
they wernt flowering they were only like 2 weeks old..thats why i said its not the cola..its what would of been the cola...but i put the top of the 2 plants in germ. block just like 2 mins ago and im going to try to see if it will clone...shit its already fucked up..why dont do some experments with them...but do u think the ones that the tops got cut off do u think they will still grow?..or do u think thoes two just went to shit?

no you siad it was the cola


Active Member
Fuck....thank god my plants stayed alive today..when the tops got cut off i put them in germinating blocks but i didnt used any root hormone and its still looking live and well...hopefully its going to be good in the morning too...well have 2 see tho
hopefully you dont get an air emblesim in the stem of the two clones....and make sure to spray your plants with some good bug spray befor putting them indoors with youogf moms plants they could contaminate you ladys...


Well-Known Member
Nope...the plants lived fine...and im not a noob...haha but it was just the screws that were holding the light just ended up stripping out not a noob mistaken its just shitty wood quallity but they are fine i cloned 2 of them at such a young early age they are taking good and looking healty today