
Well-Known Member
What's hilarious, is that if you cared about cost, you'd look at every other developed nation in the world, and see that the US is number one in spending per person (even while literally millions of people are without coverage, and millions more with shitty coverage no Canadian, German, or Brit would stand for) yet has atrocious metrics for infant mortality, survival rate of basic diseases and health issues.


Like literally the next highest per person cost is fucking NORWAY which has healthcare far beyond what average americans get.

Hell even when reducing the comparison between the richest americans to *average* members of these other countries, wealthy americans have shorter life spans, so the faulty canard of "oh well maybe it sucks for the poor, but when you have money, it's the best in the world" falls flat on it's ass.

If you cared about cost and effectiveness, you'd want a universal single payer option. If you decide you don't want UHC, you are objectively against cost savings measures, full stop.


Well-Known Member
The question shouldn't be IF we should provide universal healthcare. We're a 1st world country and a global power. We live in a society, we are not animals (thx JJ). So...in my opinion we shouldn't be questioning universal healthcare...we should be questioning why it's so inefficient, expensive and being run the way it is.

We here in the US spend 2'1/2 times the amount as any other country on our universal healthcare.....my asthma inhalers went from $7to $50 (albutoral) .....and $70 to $475!!! (flovent) ....And I kind of need them to breathe...... Obamacare did not do this, it simply underlines a bigger problem with in our country and big corporations undermining politics and policy.

For example... In most countries the government would buy my Flovent in bulk by taking bids from the various companies whom manufacture it and accepting the lowest bid...for ALL the Flovent for the whole country for the year. Thus providing it at a fixed LOW price. This still allows for free enterprise but forces the manufacturers into actually competing. Not here baby! This is partly why its $450 a pop here but I can order it from Canada (same brand even) for $70 to my door....shipped from (I shit you not) New Zealand.

But on the bright side...a greater % of people have a better quality of life today then in any time in human history. So it cant be all bad. Jeremy Bentham would be proud.


Well-Known Member
The USA doesn't have UHC though. It has a bunch of private for-profit healthcare insurance companies and a government mandate to buy from them, without any strong regulations to prevent those companies from charging too much.

The only nation with a comparable situation is Germany, they have private healthcare insurance companies, but they are much more tightly regulated in terms of deductible amounts and coverage. Every other developed nation in the world has a government run, single payer system, which is why their costs are so much lower.

The affordable care act is NOT universal healthcare, not in any way shape or form.


Well-Known Member
@Uncle Ben...I would be happy to pay for UHC. Not happy that I have to pay for a mockery of it to further line the pockets of greedy corps that have infiltrated BOTH parties. Only an idiot sees politics in Red and Blue anymore. Its rich vs poor....and I hate to break it to you, but no matter how much the Rebs tell you otherwise, your not their kind of rich.


Well-Known Member
I am insured. I have figured it out. I was agreeing with you that I dont like this system although for (I image) vastly different and more articulate reasons. I agree with some (very little) of your views on immigration policy as well....again for VASTLY different (and less frothy at the mouth) reasons. I dont hate people for their color, creed or religion.

And certainly not for something as trite as political view. Granted I may not respect their ability for ration discourse....or even polite conversation.

and on that note o_O
squirrel photo implying oral pedophilia.
haha....I was just thinking the only way to match your breed of ignorant rant was to remark that on the other side of the argument most folks with your views have unfair stereotypes of incest, child porn and bestiality....but i guess your sub-conscience beat me too it. If I put some Rorschachs up would you tell me what else you see?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
FR, recommend you lurk for a while. This buck guy is demented, and, he gets a pass. Some have accused him of being the sock puppet of admin. Don't know, could care less. He offers nothing and does not deserve my time or any rebuttal from others IMO.

Now, you tell me what his stupid large sig photo implies? Just curious.......

Unlike you, I find incest, child porn, and bestiality demented. It should not be allowed as a discussion item (which is often is), especially in a pot forum. When it is allowed (as you'll witness here) it becomes a statement about the moral authority of RIU and admin. What's so funny and hypocritical is me being put on slow mode after posting a nude yet un-revealing very fat black woman sitting on a porch and pointing a gun at the camera. I posted it in jest in a gun control thread saying "better watch it, Felicia's gonna getcha" or something to that effect. :mrgreen:

....end of rant.

Watch your back.

Uncle Ben


Well-Known Member
Universities, Catholic Church, some pro ball teams, hospitals- all non profit, pay no tax, and are worth billions and billions.

Yet a hospital has the nerve to solicit donations for a new cancer center...

Shit like this happens in Russia and Africa. And America. Not in Europe


Well-Known Member
Universities, Catholic Church, some pro ball teams, hospitals- all non profit, pay no tax, and are worth billions and billions.

Yet a hospital has the nerve to solicit donations for a new cancer center...

Shit like this happens in Russia and Africa. And America. Not in Europe
If the pope is socialist, how come he isn't in any hurry to give up the vatican's wealth? Instead he just seems to lecture everybody else.


Well-Known Member
Any managers of the top tax-free cash reserves are by definition hypocritical


Well-Known Member
Unlike you, I find incest, child porn, and bestiality demented.

Uncle Ben
Well other then this part that was almost a polite response. So we can ignore the fact that YOU brought up the subject of pedophilia and that I was mearly making the point that furthering the stereotype of people who share your political views being incest having pedophiles, etc etc, is about as fair as the way YOU stereotype others.

I would be willing to bet your on slow mode because you sound like a bigot and without the need to check around get a clear impression you probably talk that way a whole lot. Can't imagine its the first time they have warned you.

REALLY the wrong web site for that my man.

And Uncle Ben? ....despite my opinion that dissenting views politely expressed coupled with tolerance for others can only help us as a whole .....by your own "logic" if you don't love the website, why don't you leave it? Or is that rule only applicable to people YOU don't like?
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Well-Known Member
FR, recommend you lurk for a while. This buck guy is demented, and, he gets a pass. Some have accused him of being the sock puppet of admin. Don't know, could care less. He offers nothing and does not deserve my time or any rebuttal from others IMO.

Now, you tell me what his stupid large sig photo implies? Just curious.......

Unlike you, I find incest, child porn, and bestiality demented. It should not be allowed as a discussion item (which is often is), especially in a pot forum. When it is allowed (as you'll witness here) it becomes a statement about the moral authority of RIU and admin. What's so funny and hypocritical is me being put on slow mode after posting a nude yet un-revealing very fat black woman sitting on a porch and pointing a gun at the camera. I posted it in jest in a gun control thread saying "better watch it, Felicia's gonna getcha" or something to that effect. :mrgreen:

....end of rant.

Watch your back.

Uncle Ben
It's "couldn't care less" clown.


Well-Known Member
FR, recommend you lurk for a while. This buck guy is demented, and, he gets a pass. Some have accused him of being the sock puppet of admin. Don't know, could care less. He offers nothing and does not deserve my time or any rebuttal from others IMO.

Now, you tell me what his stupid large sig photo implies? Just curious.......

Unlike you, I find incest, child porn, and bestiality demented. It should not be allowed as a discussion item (which is often is), especially in a pot forum. When it is allowed (as you'll witness here) it becomes a statement about the moral authority of RIU and admin. What's so funny and hypocritical is me being put on slow mode after posting a nude yet un-revealing very fat black woman sitting on a porch and pointing a gun at the camera. I posted it in jest in a gun control thread saying "better watch it, Felicia's gonna getcha" or something to that effect. :mrgreen:

....end of rant.

Watch your back.

Uncle Ben
were you aware that when cats, squirrels, and other small animals have babies, they must lick the ass of that child in order to make it shit?

but yeah, it's squirrel pedophilia.

jesus, you righties are fucking sexually repressed miscreants.


Well-Known Member


Fuck everyone else, what have they done for me lately. Fuck you.... fuck you.... you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!

It's no wonder our country is fucked, people like you bring it down... 30 notches.