Fuck People Who Don't Tip!

You start off your post in a rational way, but fail to follow up on any of the points you're trying to make. Something about a movie, then you kinda trail off into a list of really unkind things you do.

I'm generally a peaceful person, but if I ever catch someone doing any of the things you mention, I wouldn't hesitate to slap the lving shit out of them.

Fuck you and your sense of entitlement.

If you don't like what you're getting paid, its on you, and only you, to elevate yourself. If you fail to do so, you have noone to blame but yourself.

I hope someone catches you pissing in their food and makes you eat it.
+10000 reps for having common sense

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Another thing. If your wage and your tips do not add up to minimum wage, then when I worked as a dishwasher and as a cook, I came to understand [though this could be isolated to these two different restaurants in two different areas, and sizes of towns, in the state of Kansas] that there are many ways to get your money up to minimum wage. If your employer does not ensure that you are getting minimum wage, [between what they pay you and your tips] then you can report themto whoever the fuck you report employers to, I forget.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
You start off your post in a rational way, but fail to follow up on any of the points you're trying to make. Something about a movie, then you kinda trail off into a list of really unkind things you do.

I'm generally a peaceful person, but if I ever catch someone doing any of the things you mention, I wouldn't hesitate to slap the lving shit out of them.

Fuck you and your sense of entitlement.

If you don't like what you're getting paid, its on you, and only you, to elevate yourself. If you fail to do so, you have noone to blame but yourself.

I hope someone catches you pissing in their food and makes you eat it.
About the movie, i was responding to an earlier post. Do you always jump in without knowing whats going on? I am entitled to a pay for a job well done, so fuck you if you think otherwise. fuck anybody who thinks 3 dollars an hour is a fair wage. I am not asking for a lot, just whats fair.

And like i said, you WONT catch me. And even if you did, you aren't going to slap the shit out of me, you wont even get close to me.

I am only one tipped employee, there are thousands out there, and many of them will fuck with your shit the way i do. Many wont, but, a lot will. I simply trying to bring it to the attention of people who don't tip, that-
-You are fucking with someones income. Regardless of what judgments you place on that person, you could be making an enemy.

I will say, most people that do tip well are people who work for a living. white soccer moms also suck at tipping, however mexican males are usually pretty good. Its not always about race. But stereotypes are there for a reason, if i get a black customer, its likely he will get a sprite, and some chicken wings, and tip shitty. I'm not making this shit up

About race, ask any server friend of yours, and they will know what im talking about.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
another point....why is tipping generally associated only with the food service industry? why the fuck does a barista deserve a dollar for the 2 minutes it took to make my shitty coffee and a skilled laborer who took days to remodel a room get shit but what his boss pays him? i think that if tipping is a normal thing than it should spread to any job where a person does a direct service for you, not just for people who make shit for money. i say we change the name from tips to food service welfare. fuck man, i got taxes and tips going towards welfare.
I hear ya man, i see both sides of the coin. My wife was a waitress for years before we had kids. She worked at a 4 star seafront resort and got an hourly wage of $2.85 an hour. She survived from tips.

I tattoo for a living and get tipped. Not always, but probably 40% of my customers tip me. I always appreciate it, but never expect it.

LOL i tipped a girl at the grocery store for keeping my son entertained while I payed for our groceries. She was a real help and it was worth the $5 to have peace for 2 minutes.

I think we need to make the distinction between those that survive from tips, and those that get a reasonable hourly rate of pay.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by CSI Stickyicky
I don't spit in customers food, thats traceable and noticeable.
What i have done to people before:
keyed cars
ripped down decorations
spit on cars
bring really cold food (my manager will tell them that he doesnt believe that its cold. we will laugh about it later)
rub my hands on my balls then on your food.
same with my ass crack.
pee on the food
eggs on house and cars

and im sure other stuff i can't recall at the moment.

Another question for you non-tippers? HOW MANY OF YOU ARE UNDER 20 YEARS OLD? HOW MANY OF YOU ARE BLACK OR ASIAN? Just curious.

I also want to point out, i wont do any of that stuff for people who leave small tips. just the ones who repeatedly leave nothing.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious

How do you live with yourself treating people that way.

What right do you have. Just because of being a bad tipper.

Don't you even realize that you can go to jail for stuff like that. Let alone you can make someone really sick.

What if it were you, your mom or dad, your child that that was being done to.

I can't even believe that you would admit that you have done those things.

I tell you one day all that is gonna come back to you, and you will regret you ever treated another person that way.


Well-Known Member
Im the reason you don't tip? yet another excuse to hide the obvious truth from yourself: you are a cheap asshole.
You're calling me cheap, but yet you're expecting to be given money for doing a job that already pay's you, and I really don't care what your hourly pay is. I thnk you're just mad because you made bad desicions in life and ended up being an uneducated adult, who's pissed off at those that succeeded, and some how expects to be compensated for being a loser.


Well-Known Member
As stated many times in this post a waiter/waitress is a tipped employee who makes maybe $3 an hour. You are tipping for the service, the fact that you don’t have to get off your lazy ass. If you are too cheap to tip or can’t afford it because of the recession then don’t go out to eat, it’s that simple! If you would rather the restaurants pay the employees a better wage so it’s not necessary to tip they could do that. However, the cost of your food would go up a lot higher than the 20% tip you don’t want to pay.
its a free country kinda if i wanna go out to eat then thats wut im do u cant tell me not to go some where u ass:finger: ill pay the manditory tip and thats only if theres six or more ppl but if its just me shit ull get luck if u get a dollar from me


Well-Known Member
As stated many times in this post a waiter/waitress is a tipped employee who makes maybe $3 an hour. You are tipping for the service, the fact that you don’t have to get off your lazy ass. If you are too cheap to tip or can’t afford it because of the recession then don’t go out to eat, it’s that simple! If you would rather the restaurants pay the employees a better wage so it’s not necessary to tip they could do that. However, the cost of your food would go up a lot higher than the 20% tip you don’t want to pay.
and if u dont have an education to get a better job then go bak to fuckin skoo like everyone else and get a better job that way u wont have to deal with ppl like me, its that simple!!!!!!:bigjoint:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
These are all just excuses to be a cheap asshole. Its not the server/delivery guy's fault the owners are squeezing the bottom line. Its been long since set up in our society that servers are tipped employees and therefore get paid very little from the restaurant.
well i stioll say that's your fault for a taking that job. by law the company has to pay you minimum wage, if they don't it's your fault for letting it slip. and yes, (well no, not in the UK any more) employees can make your wage up to minimum using tips, but it's still their responsibility to do so, they can't underpay you because YOU didn't collect enough tips, they are required to make up the difference if only 5 dollars of tips is had that day.

if you don't like the job, quit, if they pay you less than minimum wage, quit, i won't give someone money because they won't stand up to their boss. at work, momnet i started i fou/nd that half the force were under minimum wage, i went straight to the owner, i told him what i felt, i let him know the legal reprocussions, and hey, know what, magic, everyones wages got bumped up to Legal :)


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
and if u dont have an education to get a better job then go bak to fuckin skoo like everyone else and get a better job that way u wont have to deal with ppl like me, its that simple!!!!!!:bigjoint:
Since you've got it all figured out, could you tell me how to go to college? maybe first by enrolling and PAYING tuition, and then BUYING some books maybe? hmm, how should one go about PAYING tuition and BUYING books with no money? oh, i know, get a job! so do you rob banks for your money? or grow weed? oh, i know, did mommy and daddy pay your tuition? how about books? don't criticize me for having a job.


Well-Known Member
Since you've got it all figured out, could you tell me how to go to college? maybe first by enrolling and PAYING tuition, and then BUYING some books maybe? hmm, how should one go about PAYING tuition and BUYING books with no money? oh, i know, get a job! so do you rob banks for your money? or grow weed? oh, i know, did mommy and daddy pay your tuition? how about books? don't criticize me for having a job.
Go to city college, it's cheap. And if it's still to expensive start taking one or two classes and apply for financial aid. Cut back on spending, maybe you should stop buying weed and use that money for school. My friend had a kid when she was 14, she started city college when she was twenty only taking two classes, it took her 5 years to get her AA but she still got it. Stop making excuses for your lazy ass. Join the military or something, they will get you straightened out and pay for your school.


New Member
its a free country kinda if i wanna go out to eat then thats wut im do u cant tell me not to go some where u ass:finger: ill pay the manditory tip and thats only if theres six or more ppl but if its just me shit ull get luck if u get a dollar from me
It's because of people like you that they put the automatic gratuity on large checks. More than likely your waiter/waitress has to pay out a % of their sales to the busboy. In addition to the taxes that are taken from their check.

If you go to a sit down restaurant with NO INTENTION of leaving a tip, you are a bum. Justify it to yourself however you want, it does not change the fact the you are basically stealing the waiter's time.

However, if the service is truly awful you should not be obligated to leave a tip. I used to wait tables about 10 years ago. I really sucked at it. I got shitty tips. Eventually, I took the hint and found a different job.


Well-Known Member
Since you've got it all figured out, could you tell me how to go to college? maybe first by enrolling and PAYING tuition, and then BUYING some books maybe? hmm, how should one go about PAYING tuition and BUYING books with no money? oh, i know, get a job! so do you rob banks for your money? or grow weed? oh, i know, did mommy and daddy pay your tuition? how about books? don't criticize me for having a job.
there is government grants and financial aid duh


Well-Known Member
It's because of people like you that they put the automatic gratuity on large checks. More than likely your waiter/waitress has to pay out a % of their sales to the busboy. In addition to the taxes that are taken from their check.

If you go to a sit down restaurant with NO INTENTION of leaving a tip, you are a bum. Justify it to yourself however you want, it does not change the fact the you are basically stealing the waiter's time.

However, if the service is truly awful you should not be obligated to leave a tip. I used to wait tables about 10 years ago. I really sucked at it. I got shitty tips. Eventually, I took the hint and found a different job.
that is my whole point:dunce: