Fuck rap! Hail metal


Well-Known Member
Obviously you didn't understand my grammar there I was throwing it up cause it sounds stupid like you projects quote so I was taking a jab at your stereotyping Now u see why I said that that sounded stupid to you and your quote sounded stupid to me
metal comes from trailer parks???!!!!!!! LOL

Most metal i listen to comes from europe


Well-Known Member
And I love all of it

You still like rap cause you liked that song even if it's just one we got ya lol jjk


You prob never heard good rap if you think it is all about riches and bitches....



New Member
Lol as i said before rap is rap. No musical talent. I dont consider rhyming words as musical talent. but to each their own. I value your morals and beliefs on raps greatness.


Well-Known Member
And plenty for metal coming from trailers and yelling till you can't talk anymore and purple in the face and banging your head profusely up and down is talent too really


New Member
Im not talking about the scene metal is. Im talking about instruments bro. Not just synths from a computer and drum pads beat.

cmon man really all other music takes more talent than rap. lol i cant argue anymore. cant compares apples to oranges.

meechz 024

Active Member
it takes talent to rap and sound good. it's not at all just rhyming words....you're simplifying a complex artform. it takes good flow and a creative mind to make good rap that makes you think. thats fact. sure metal has great instrumentals, rap music is sampled with beauty.


Is this better, chief? :}



Well-Known Member
No you cant compare them to apples or oranges cause they are both extremly different but similar all at the same time in different form but still just music like water and ice different forms but still the same basic premise


Well-Known Member
And with a title like the one used for the thread you know some beat heads where coming in and seeing whats going on in here with the slash heads lol


Well-Known Member
I THINK I GOT IT ..................... We can all agree that there is shit on both sides of the musical fence here sadly rap in the last 10-11 years has gotten very comercial but the real shit is what last and if ya know where to look you can find real gems out there thats why there is a "underground sceen" with rappers that feel the same in a way as you and i do about all the bullshit thats in rap these days but same goes for metal too there are bands that do it cause they live for it and others that come in quick go for the money grab and are gone

ill always love GG ALEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

meechz 024

Active Member
lots of people like rap and metal , metal is a pretty amazing art form and music form when it's done well. we all know who does it the best too, no need to make the lists.


New Member
Yes we know who is good but there are many lesser known bands that should be known. Hdnce there needs to be a list

I see more list of rap than anything else in music forum :lol:

So if your theory is true. More list = crappier music. Due to ppl not being able go find "good rap"

Lol <3

meechz 024

Active Member
I don't understand your arguement sir. I have no 'theory' All i got to say is open your mind up good music comes in all forms. What may seem like simple "rhyming of words" is actually pretty difficult to do properly. Obviously the nursery book rhymes are the easy part, but putting together concept songs that deliver messages and making it all rhyme (and sound good on the beat), sometimes multi syllabic rhymes......this takes talent. Being able to sound good over a beat takes practice to perfect it. It's only the garbage rap you find on mainstream that brainwashed you into believing that rap is a useless and simple art form when it's actually a deep thought provoking art form when well done and the songs have long hours put into the writing process..You gotta realize sometimes there's more to something than what meets the eye.