FUCK taRts like my neighbors are why weed isnt legal

yep Fresno sucks for 215 patients but seriously what impact is one idiot gonna have on voter decisions thr r plenty of other voters
no it is the fact the person took away the choice from ppl to think about it

the first system of controll has always been INFO ...........if u have the info on what is going on u can controll how other react and what they do (look at history)

becuase the guy did not want other ppl to have the info about it he took it down and took away other ppls rights to know about what is going on .................it happend here but with us it turned into a big gaint eye sore of a houses (they held the meeting for ppl to say no we do not want it in a small shed at the end of a race track and no notices were placed anywhere that we could see) .by the time we found out about it it already infront of the planning borad and the fight to stop them just got much much harder

personally something like that is on the lvl of wrong where i think the person should be put to death (greedy underhanded tatics so they profit and the rest just deal with the fallout)
Im interested in moving forward. Im not ready to have a commercial grow. I just dont have the finances to fund it personally. But I want to be involved with the movement forward. Its hard to break into. Id like to get into the chemistry part. To develop new things.
go next door in the middle of the night open up his gas tank and pour in a gallon of bleach go home

a asshole that gets away with it will repeat the actions so u make it not worth him ever doing something like that again ...........it will cost him 5000 or more for a new engine

i done this to several ppl that have earned alot more then that ...........but since not allowed to just kill a asshole on the spot this is the best option i can share

it kills the car ........once it gets in the engine the seals are all gone fuild leaking everywhere ...........to fix it means the whole engine comes out and needs a complete rebuild

That's that PUSSY shit right there. Don't fuck with another mans wife, dog or car. I imagine you to be a little weasel type bastard. I wish a fucker would.
if he is willing to take the choice away from ppl becuase he does not agree with it ...........the person has no value and will do it again unless has to pay for his actions

and i honestly would love it for a fight then i can cripple the person and if they keep coming then i can kill them .............human body is very very easy to cripple with very little amount of effort
22 lbs of pressure on your ear and i can tare it off .......hyper extend the knee and u will never walk with out a cane for the rest of your life........26 lbs and i can crush your troat and allow u to choke to death

Spoken like someone who's never been in a real fight.:lol:
if he is willing to take the choice away from ppl becuase he does not agree with it ...........the person has no value and will do it again unless has to pay for his actions

and i honestly would love it for a fight then i can cripple the person and if they keep coming then i can kill them .............human body is very very easy to cripple with very little amount of effort
22 lbs of pressure on your ear and i can tare it off .......hyper extend the knee and u will never walk with out a cane for the rest of your life........26 lbs and i can crush your troat and allow u to choke to death

Spoken like someone who's never been in a real fight.:lol:
Dont fuck with him, he knows about pressure points..and the instructor said he had the best technique in self defense class.

if he is willing to take the choice away from ppl becuase he does not agree with it ...........the person has no value and will do it again unless has to pay for his actions

and i honestly would love it for a fight then i can cripple the person and if they keep coming then i can kill them .............human body is very very easy to cripple with very little amount of effort
22 lbs of pressure on your ear and i can tare it off .......hyper extend the knee and u will never walk with out a cane for the rest of your life........26 lbs and i can crush your troat and allow u to choke to death

You have no respect for the English language. Should I be able to cripple you for the violence you consistently inflict upon it?
if he is willing to take the choice away from ppl becuase he does not agree with it ...........the person has no value and will do it again unless has to pay for his actions

and i honestly would love it for a fight then i can cripple the person and if they keep coming then i can kill them .............human body is very very easy to cripple with very little amount of effort
22 lbs of pressure on your ear and i can tare it off .......hyper extend the knee and u will never walk with out a cane for the rest of your life........26 lbs and i can crush your troat and allow u to choke to death

I take it back, please don't use your irrelevant knowledge of situational psi to remove body parts upon me.
no it is the fact the person took away the choice from ppl to think about it

the first system of controll has always been INFO ...........if u have the info on what is going on u can controll how other react and what they do (look at history)

im missing something here is ur neighbor the editor at the Fresno Bee? we live in an information age i can assume the only ppl he took that info from didnt have room in thr little brains for it anyway. U two r prbly some schwag smoking tower rats perfect for each other.
My neighbor smokes weed ever single day but doesn't have a doctor req. Anyways he pulled down a very important bulletin in my town last month, the one that was looking for signatures to stop the ban in Fresno County. He told me he did so for nobody could go against the ban. WHAT A FUCKING CUM MUNCHER!

Ya, I heard Fresno got hit bad. Which is crazy because the people in CA spoke and voted in SB420!

Poor Dr. Brown...
Spoken like someone who's never been in a real fight.:lol:

real fight .........no i never been in any fight that i was scared of losing since the simple fact is i go to the ending moves i do not mess around with chicken shit stuff .........it is who is the biggest asshole game when it comes to a fight

my whole life i been knocked out once and that was my little brother .........bat to the head the body knife shot at hell had the gun to the side of my head and told the bitch to pull the trigger ........i have more scars on my body from dump shit and fights with ppl

i am just tried and i know what the rule of the world is do what i say or i will hurt u (this is the number one rule everywhere and of all time the first one ) well hurt me unless u are willing to kill me u will not stop me and if u kill me then all my crap ends and i do not care..............one way or the other the job i wanted is done and next one is starting

the simple fact is i can always get the other person to swing on me first just using words ........after that i am defending myself so the charges never stick
im missing something here is ur neighbor the editor at the Fresno Bee? we live in an information age i can assume the only ppl he took that info from didnt have room in thr little brains for it anyway. U two r prbly some schwag smoking tower rats perfect for each other.

i live in bum fuck no where ...............i mean a 30ft deep 20 wide shit pit is less then 1/4 mile from me ...........u see more trucks and gun racks then u see teeth in most of the ppls mouth .........the schools are next to cornfeilds and cattlefarms ..............but in the alst 10 years the Yuppies have moving in here with the 36 room houses taken up 5 acres of land ...now they are build a 5000 home town house thing (this area can not handle the traffic the roads are barley wide enough for 2 cars to pass)

and no they did not post it on the web or anything ...........it was filed with the planning ppl they did the very minial work they had to do to tell ppl where it was and the place they held it was locked off from public access 3/4 mile down a old race track (that is what is on the land now)