Cannabis smoke irritates the respiratory passages. This can lead to bronchitis, especially if used regularly. Cannabis smoke has some of the same toxic substances that are found in tobacco smoke that can cause cancer.
Frequent cannabis use affects motivation and concentration. It can interfere with school and job performance.
Long-term heavy use may also precipitate psychosis or schizophrenia in individuals with a genetic predisposition. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder. People with schizophrenia lose touch with reality and may:
experience paranoia
have delusions
Cannabis use can complicate the course and treatment of this disorder, for example it can enhance the symptoms of schizophrenia.
THIS IS BULL! it can cure cancer and hallucinate... iv never i wonder what weed there smoking LMFAO! and about the school and job thing i make A and i am in university i smoke pot regularly i currently work as a computer technician i make 42$ an hour so that rules that out....i race motocross in the summer every second weekend and i work out to accommodate motocross NO loss of motivation i think people need to sit down and smoke a joint and stop the fuss about this god sent plant