Fuck vaporizing

your favorite way to get high

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Well-Known Member

You said smoking weed is hazardous. That is bullshit.
Combusting marijuana flowers produces hazardous materials, like tar, that are then inhaled and remain in your lungs, damaging them. Smoking weed is hazardous. To what degree is debatable.

Vaporizing your marijuana flowers is a less harmful way of inhaling the material you're after, which is vaporized cannabinoids in gas form.

Those are facts that are not disputable.


Well-Known Member
What is "very well known, measurable and reproducible?
You are free to ignore 20+ year peer reviewed, repeatable studies.

Can you show me a person that got cancer from smoking weed?
I don't think the debate is about cancer. It's about harmfulness. The debate is whether vaporizing is less harmful than smoking. I contend and I assume Rrog also contends that vaporizing is better for you.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the debate is about cancer. It's about harmfulness. The debate is whether vaporizing is less harmful than smoking. I contend and I assume Rrog also contends that vaporizing is better for you.
He knows hes wrong and he continues to argue without even giving facts. That guy is just a miserable troll that disagrees with everyone and everything just so someone will have a conversation with him. Vaping bud>>>Burning bud CASE CLOSED


Well-Known Member
Vaping is like inhaling chemtrails


Also, it doesn't taste as good or get me as high.


Well-Known Member
LOL vaping is the cleanest way to get high.

Maybe you need to wake up PEEPLE

Also my volcano vap smoke taste amazing and gets me way higher than any dirty ass bong or pipe.
Where did you learn it was cleaner?

Some government-funded study I'm sure...

(I am joking. I do prefer the taste and high of smoking flowers though)


Well-Known Member
You're doing it wrong.
I've tried lots of kinds of vapes, dabs, pens, etc. nothing beats flowers to me.

I like getting my fingers sticky, smelling and looking at the nugs, and putting fire to it. The smell, taste, everything. Vaporizers just don't compare for me.

If they're an acceptable substitute for you, that's cool, they're probably healthier. But the experience just isn't as good for me.


Well-Known Member
I've tried lots of kinds of vapes, dabs, pens, etc. nothing beats flowers to me.

I like getting my fingers sticky, smelling and looking at the nugs, and putting fire to it. The smell, taste, everything. Vaporizers just don't compare for me.

If they're an acceptable substitute for you, that's cool, they're probably healthier. But the experience just isn't as good for me.
I agree and won't debate personal preference. I actually like the pine, earthy tastes you get from vaping as opposed to flowery, citrus tastes you can get from smoking. Personally I get lifted from vaping and only mildly high from smoking. And I'm sure once I've gotten used to the high from vaping flower I will move to vaping concentrate. I'm just not there yet.


Well-Known Member
He knows hes wrong and he continues to argue without even giving facts.
I am not wrong.
Rog made the contention, he should be the one to provide the facts, which he has not.
He said smoking marijuana is hazardous. If you want to define hazardous that way, then vaporizing is hazardous.

If smoking marijuana were "hazardous" you would think that people that smoked for 20 years would tend to have a higher rate of cancer and lower lung function. That is not the case

That guy is just a miserable troll that disagrees with everyone and everything just so someone will have a conversation with him.
You are a dumb asshole.

Vaping bud>>>Burning bud CASE CLOSED

You are a really dumb asshole. All I was doing is countering his contention that smoking marijuana is hazardous.
I was not saying one is better than the other. For me, vaping does not work. It does not give me the effect I want and I have to use a lot more. I vaped exclusively for a month daily and it was not as good as smoking for me.

Vaping is not better than smoking for all people.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think the debate is about cancer. It's about harmfulness. The debate is whether vaporizing is less harmful than smoking. I contend and I assume Rrog also contends that vaporizing is better for you.
Rrog said "hazardous." He then went on to spew propaganda, the same I was fed in high school.
If Rrog wants to contend that vaping is a less harmful way of ingesting cannabis, I would tend to agree.
If he wants to play the semantics game, then I will call busllshit.

Inhaling cigarette smoke is different from inhaling tobacco smoke which is different than inhaling wood smoke...
Not all combusted material is the same.


Well-Known Member
I've tried lots of kinds of vapes, dabs, pens, etc. nothing beats flowers to me.

I like getting my fingers sticky, smelling and looking at the nugs, and putting fire to it. The smell, taste, everything. Vaporizers just don't compare for me.

If they're an acceptable substitute for you, that's cool, they're probably healthier. But the experience just isn't as good for me.
Yeah this here. I bought one of them digital table top vapes for the Mrs and she hated it. I tried all kinds of settings, different strains and shit and she just didnt like it. It collects dust now.
...And man that motherfucking element would burn the skin right the hell off ya no shit. Fuck that.


Well-Known Member
Why vaping > smoking

I haven't figured out a way to fap, navigate porn, and light a bong. The j's sit in the ash tray and go out or burn away (although the smoky room is nice.) Plug my whip into the Hotbox the other end of the whip in my mouth hold with my teeth, one hand for the task, one hand for the mouse. Hold the hit right at climax, f'n amazing! I tried to let my wife do a bong rip off her ass before climax, she got pissed.

Holding a bong & pulling the bowl, with a slick hand or your off-hand. You've got a god awful mess and lube does NOT come off a bong and burning weed on the floor sucks; I don't care if you bath the bong in KleenXtract for a month in the freezer, the lube will still be there!

For daily use, I'm on oil pen and dabs only. I figure FAR less of anything not air going into my lungs is a good idea.

Mowgli Ma-Fên

Well-Known Member
can't understand why people would say vapin tastes like shit..
if youre doin it right it should taste like the bud smells. so very very delicious(unless u got babbage)
but as the high is not kickin in instantly, i CAN see why people despise.
patience is a virtue thou...
it is also very nice to vape some fresh fruit right off the tree for testing.try SMOKING some fresh fruit...u already know.
i use an Aromed btw. i DO smoke bong at least as often thou.
if u have time u should vape(and if u do it right it takes time imo)

and for everybody holdin a vapor and not using it: try to vape ur shit and then put that vaped shit in ur bowl and light it up...

vape it, smoke it, eat it...wtf..just do sumptin



Well-Known Member
Not all combusted material is the same.
Technically true. Levels of various harmful substances would of course vary depending on what material is being combusted.

For the practical sake of this discussion however, it is clearly false. You cannot burn organic materials without releasing something harmful. This has been stated repeatedly in this thread. Google it for shitsakes. Or don't. Nothing more I can say.