fuck where I live, I want to change my life


Well-Known Member
Well over the last month, ive had a breakdown emotionally and physically. IM usually at the gym 3 times a week, drinking water, eating vitamens, staying heathy Now im drinking rum and eating colotopins and sleeping most of the day, lets just say im super fucking depressed.

Im a 23 year old college student, who lost two close relatives this year and put me in a slump in school. Pretty much theres a chance I may no be able to go back to school next semester due to academic probation bullshit. On top of all this horseshit, I find out my girlfriend has been talking to my brother , sending nude pics to him and shit and that put me off the deepend.:wall::wall:

I just want to sell everything I own, besides my laptop and clothing and move the fuck away from here. I dont give a fuck If i have to work at mcdonalds for a few months to get my feet back on the ground in my new location. I just want to VANISH, FUCK MY FAMILY GIRLFRIEND SCHOOL IM SICK OF IT AND IM HAVING THOUGHTS THAT I SHOULDNT! I need a desperate change and I need it now. How long does one think It may take me to get a decent apartment, to live in and just start my life over there? Sorry for the extreme raging, but Sometimes this seems like the only place I can. :wall:


Active Member
dude, i feel that way sumtimes..

my girl dont live near me, so when i move in w/ her,
i start all over..

that should be fun


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I don't think that where you live has anything to do with your "girl" sending nude pic to your brother.

Regardless, life goes on - find a new girl (I highly recommend one that doesn't drink or smoke, they're great) and get back to the gym.

Also don't fuck around in school - you'll regret it later on in life.

Good luck.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I don't think that where you live has anything to do with your "girl" sending nude pic to your brother.

Regardless, life goes on - find a new girl (I highly recommend one that doesn't drink or smoke, they're great) and get back to the gym.

Also don't fuck around in school - you'll regret it later on in life.

Good luck.
I agree

Moving may only put more stress on you


Well-Known Member
use your rage for you man, show the world it can not hold you down, Fuck everything that holds you from your passion. knuckle down and you'll get through it. good luck and stay positive. Lift until you you can't anymore. Life goes on.....JR


Well-Known Member
do it dude! nothin like just packin up and leavin..thats what i did right after i graduated. im only twenty, but for the first 18 i lived in a shitty ass bible-thumpin farming town in..well just think of a redneck state and im sure you can imagine. but yea..decided I'd had enough, moved out the week after graduation, got an apartment and a painting job and just kinda took it from there. great way to find yourself and maybe what you wanna do for the rest of your life. ended up in a medical state to, so that was definitely a plus :)

I cant wait to just pack up and leave here someday. next stop... cali baby!!!!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I don't think that where you live has anything to do with your "girl" sending nude pic to your brother.

Regardless, life goes on - find a new girl (I highly recommend one that doesn't drink or smoke, they're great) and get back to the gym.

Also don't fuck around in school - you'll regret it later on in life.

Good luck.
Best advice one could ever give..


Well-Known Member
I agree

Moving may only put more stress on you
I just feel like If I get out of here away from all these fucking rednecks I can just start my life over. I just dont know who to trust or who to call a real fucking friend anymore. All the lies and shit over everything has completely disrespected my intelligence and this shit sucks. Theres go to be a good place in cali or somewhere else on the west coast that has some sort of opportunity to make some money. I can just continue my schooling there. I mean I LOVE SCHOOL. Im a Biology/Chemistry Major and love growing all types of plants. My primary focus in bio was/is botany. I NEED OUT!:fire:


Well-Known Member
sucks when shit starts getting to ya, but honestly man you might want to lay off the pills and the boozin, those wont help your depressed state at all.... if anything its probably making it worse, weed is your friend during times like these....keep yer chin up man and stay in school, believe me it will be worth it in the long run.


Well-Known Member
dump the girl
finish college
then move
I would have to agree...

Plus the west coast is expensive just starting out no need to make a hard situation harder...If that where you want to go, go with a new degree, new chick, new beginning...


Well-Known Member
Dame bro I hope you get thru your situation My family fucked me over too and scarred me for life bit the shit out of me over a bitch I was fuckin with.He i guess was in love with her I had another girlfriend beat her up so he got real madd LOL but after that it's been MOB money over bitches I say that every day dont ever trust a bitch as far as you can shoot them. As for moving it can be great or a disaster depend on you if you a grinder or hustler like me you will make it any where I moved and started from the bottom I didnt have shit no fruniture in my apt nothing for a while but now I got my own business house and a pool. And I didnt graudate from HS anyway belive in yourself set a goal and do it I learned to always turn bad things into something great the worst it is the better outcome of greatness you can make. I used all those ppl that did me wrong into motivation I swear now when i go back to my hell hole town I shit on everybody because im gonna shine regardlesss to circumstanse think like that . Your situation really piss me off thow cuz family aint shit to me im from the streets and my own family did me worst then the streets.
Good luck bro thats life man its just how you bounce back(here i'am talking shit) but its hard you'll get over this minor hump MOB MOB MOB MOB MOB MOB MOB


Active Member
Keep ur chin up,

Follow tebor's advice. Especially about the part of dumping the girl, once a slut always a slut, no decent girl I know would send pics to my bro.
And get ur degree man, even if you have to take a semester off because of retarded college rules, life's rough without a degree or skills.


Well-Known Member
Keep ur chin up,

Follow tebor's advice. Especially about the part of dumping the girl, once a slut always a slut, no decent girl I know would send pics to my bro.
And get ur degree man, even if you have to take a semester off because of retarded college rules, life's rough without a degree or skills.
California BABY :fire:\

JK move to Oregon or Washinftom.

If your not tied down, than pack up and ship oyt.


New Member
It's expensive as hell out here on the west coast. Depending on how many years you have left( how many you have ?), I'd say stay where you are, dump that bitch, talk to your brother (or punch his face in), which ever will resolve this situmation faster.

Finish up this semester at least, then get the fuck out of there. Good luck, makes me feel better about my life.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Dude, when you're 23 is when its ok to pack up and go. When you are older, you may have a mortgage, wife, kids, career, jail sentence(not recommended), or whatever, and you may not ever get another chance to broaden your horizons. I have lived in 3 different countries and i find that a change of scenery is very humbling.

Mark Twain said "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness"

However, don't leave just to avoid problems. You would be remiss if you didnt take the time to plan your move. I would do what you have to so you can bring as many school credits with you. Leave the skank, but the grief will follow you. You will learn how to deal with it as you age.


Well-Known Member
diggin that quote CSI, comin from a small population, narrow minded town, its amazing to see how much the world has to offer. and its all right there:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey man.. I really understand... I JUST did the same shit... I didn't sell my shit though.. wish I would have... but I saved my money... bought a truck... threw everything I could fit into the back of it.. and hit the road... I told family and friends I was going to Arkansas.. but really had no stated destination... and hit the fuckin road.. only went back for a couple days after I left Oklahoma the first time...

It was really the best thing for me... I grew up alot and feel I've satisfied with where i'm going... I met a guy in Oklahoma and after we left MS, we headed out to CA and now i've got stories to share.. and memories to look back on.. i've met alot of people... got fucked, fucked up, and fucked over...

A change in atmosphere is never a bad thing.. when you take yourself out of your everyday routine and change everything you know.. then change in yourself is only inevitable..

I'm not saying you'll always like the change.. if it's what you wanna do... I support you.. if you come through MS in the next few weeks... hit me up.. we'll kick it... or OK today or tomorrow...

I wish you the best of luck... just remember.. Saftey first... thats no bullshit... people are, for the most part decent human beings... but even the ones that aren't know that...

There's sometimes I look back, and think how close I was to being killed... how many times I could have been killed had I been talking to the wrong person... but if you do.. enjoy it and take your time... you don't have to start the rest of your life today if you know what I mean... and do something I wish I would have done... take pictures or something to remind yourself... I took pictures on my phone, and then it got stole... so now all I have are my memories..