Fuck you cops!! Oh your a cop?? Fuck youu tooo!!


Well-Known Member
It gets me mad when cops cant answer questions. cops should get fired as soon as UHHHHH comes out their mouth.


Well-Known Member
Go to the pastor's wife's blog and watch the border patrol officer on trial. Watch how contradicting and fucking dumb the officer is. Those guys are such fucking morons. Absolute idiots who can carry weapons.



Well-Known Member
yea we cant forget that cops dont technically have to have college degrees to do what they do.

I wonder if they have to go through a very in depth psychiatric evaluation to become one to.If not they sure as hell should have to.


Well-Known Member
cops are fucking a really big gang. they get any1 in as long as they grow in numbers. they get any random idiot who can do push ups and use a pencil. i fucking hate cops. i wish i could see cops go to jail i would literally watch them get ass raped and i would just smile the whole time


Well-Known Member
yea we cant forget that cops dont technically have to have college degrees to do what they do.

I wonder if they have to go through a very in depth psychiatric evaluation to become one to.If not they sure as hell should have to.
They ask what their favorite color and cereal is. 'bout it.

Why are police officers an exception to punishment of law breaking?


Well-Known Member
because its not a POLICE OFFICER being put on the spot...... its the whole damn system! and thats the whole point point... 1 bad apple can ruin the bunch and there is no doubt about it that there is more then 1 bad apple in the basket of the law system

The Stig

Well-Known Member
We should burn all those fucking pigs!!!! :cuss:

I'm serious... they are just a bunch of assholes with guns and fake power


Well-Known Member
stupid cops man. they ruin it all, i hate the cops that yell at you too like they are really scaring you. or how bout the stupid cops that try n scare you with "do you wana go to jail.?" like wtfffffff if anything your scared to go to jail cuz theyll unleash years and years of hate on your assss


Well-Known Member
i think before you are able to become an officer of the law you must first successfully prove your worth to the community by being a part of it-
teacher lawyer carpenter nurse, no more picked on unsuccessful penis envy types ruining peoples lives on power trips



Active Member
When a cop tells you to do something, you do it. That’s how it works. This guy was leaving in handcuffs either way, he just chose to stand up for himself and he got tazered and his window broken. This behavior is WRONG by the police in my book, but again just do what he says.. Until we focus on changing our broken system you have to play by their rules.

Unless of course you want to make a statement like this guy, fight on brother! Maybe one day when enough of these videos surface the police will have to use common sense (something they seem to lack here) instead of following orders blindly, and can't play the part of the bully when force is NOT necessary.

I would hate to be that police officers kid, imagine if you questioned him? You'd probably get a punched in the face


Well-Known Member
Im totally cool with cops i make them call the shots, i tell how much weed i got and what i was gona do with it and where i was headed so they know im not about bullshit it cuts the time in half they write me up fuck it have a good day if they dont then thanks man...... its just some cops man....


Undercover Mod
No one is above the law including cops. Most departments atleast where I live require a two year degree even though they don't need to require one.