I once sold something on feebay (owners of PayPal) and the guy claimed that part of it was missing (it wasn't missing, really, the truth) and they refunded him his money without talking to me. It was a lot of money, over $2K. I never got anything back and demanded "proof of delivery" as who would ship something of this value without a signature proof? He never provided the proof but they still paid him anyway. They kept hounding me for the reimbursement but I sure wasn't going to reimburse them and to date, have NOT. I cannot use Pay Pal anymore (big deal) although they are cheaper in fees than a credit card account. Incidentially people, if you have a credit card linked to a checking account and you fall behind in payments, they can take the money (if available) from checking and you can't do squat about it. Had it happen to me. Sold over $3K in light fixtures and put the customer's money into checking to be able to send the manufacturer their funds, but alas, the money was gone just as fast as I put it in there. Little people of this planet, beware!!!