
fuck money. fuck little cocky brother in laws who bitch about 20 dollas when they got no bills and when he is gonna get his money in a few days. fuck i cant wait til his ass has to feed his kids and raise a family. fuck him when he gave my wife money and said its hers to spend and now he wants it back. fuck indian givers and dudes who rode home from the beach and didnt even throw in gas money but bitch about that shit. fuck people bitching like me. fuckitol
fuck snitches
fuck bitchy bitches
fuck busts
fuck bugs
fuck mold
fuck creditors
fuck the government
fuck dickhead landlords
fuck flat tires
fuck moving
fuck taxes
fuck cell phone companies
fuck banks
fuck nute burn
fuck rabbits that ate 100 plants
fuck liars
fuck thieves
fuck... i'm done
fuck justin bieber
fuck dumb blonds
fuck unatural surgery
fuck boob jobs
fuck my mom
fuck ignorant people
fuck the word fuck
fuck talent shows
fuck tv when nothing good is on
fuck brick weed
fuck death
fuck my mom
fuck resin
fuck illegal mexicans
fuck my mom
fuck coke head teachers
fuck anti potheads
fuck overly priced weed
fuck wrestling
fuck gay porn
fuck my mom
fuck this list
fuck people that dont like family guy
fuck my bitch ass neighbor (who is also my landlords daughter) for saying my dog attacked her and her family when my lab ran down and barked at their car. even though they were in my driveway. fuck her for saying she would get me evicted when i said what about her stupid fuckin 5 dogs that bark all day and night and try to fight with my dog every time they see him. fuck u cunt....im still here hahahahaha.
FUCK constantly barking dogs and their stupid owners who are so cracked out they cannot hear them bark... or don't care.
FUCK insects including mosquitos(with west nile) and ticks(with Lyme disease) whos only purpose on this planet is to ruin your life...or someone you loved.
FUCK growing old as you watch everything in life around you only speed up as you slow down....

FUCK... wait...what was the other thing?

fuck people that can't keep there word

fuck them who are not punctual

and fuck liers cheats and thives..
fuck choking on bong hits. snot everywhere. :cuss:
Fuck it even more when you try and grab what you think is a bottle of mountain dew to quell the cough and its actually a mt. dew bottle filled with DIP SPIT. FUCKING Gross, then I refunded my dinner.

In case anyone was wondering the origin, it is english and its an acronym For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Back when the church/gov would punish you for gettin down outside of marriage.