

Well-Known Member
What the Fuck. This thread is too Fucking Hard.. I want to Fuck everything. No fucking HOMO. But i Fucking cant so FUCK it. Fuck it all. I Fucking quit. Peace

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Fuck my shitty job, AGAIN
Fuck the fact that I'm all itchy
Fuck the fact that I have to wait until tomorrow to get a stud finder
Fuck the fact that I may have to drop a class this semester
Fuck the fact that I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of my new job (different than the first job)...
Fuck not having a job.Shit gets fucking tough.
Fuck i had a good birthday yesterday.Im still living.
Fuck i will drink this bottle of spiced rum until its finished.


Active Member
FUCK having to wait another week to harvest my outdoor
FUCK spidermites
FUCK crazy ex-girlfriends
FUCK working graveyard as a security guard