

:clap:Fuck subway!!
:leaf:Fuck p.diddy
:clap:fuck da government!!
:leaf:Fuck everybody dat dnt get high of da bud
:clap:fuck everyboddy dat vote aginst legal marijuana in all states!!!
:leaf:Fuck flavor fucking flav
:clap:fuck my job
:leaf:fuck christmas
:clap:fuck all dat shyt and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Fuck the Indian scammers and their jerusalem cruisers
Fuck everyone at the support enforcement division
Fuck outrageous self employment income tax
Fuck fast food workers who can't make a burger right the first 2 times
Fuck the soda tax
Fuck fat people who use scooters just because they're too lazy to walk
Fuck people who can't drive
Fuck night clubs and every douche trying to be "The Situation"
Fuck cold weather


Well-Known Member
fuck the wack laws against marijuana AGAIN

fuck working overtime because violent price swings

fuck closed-minded idiots who think they know it all

fuck flying international just for a one hour business meeting on basically nothing

fuck william randolph hearst

fuck henry j anslinger

fuck everyone who launched a crusade against marijuana!!!