
Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Fuck the original Listerine
Fuck energy drinks
Fuck prescription meds
Fuck Marijuana laws (as specially Florida)
Fuck Warning labels on cigarette pack (clogged arteries, cancer, 100% legal !!!)

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
my wife is Catholic,,,,,but calls Christmas nothing but a Paganistic ritual ;-))
That's right!
Christmas is a celebration of the Sun returning to it's travel across the sky.
This is because for 3 days it seemingly hangs on it's lowest horizon, only to be resurrected!
It's the worship of the Sun of Man, not the Son of God.
FUCK religion!


Active Member
Fuck Jennifer Lee, twice married to the great Richard Pryor
Fuck michael jackson's father
Fuck Nancy Grace with an aids infected dildo
Fuck MILFS in Genreal and fuck white people officially
Fuck when you are :leaf:


Well-Known Member
fuck bitch ass dreezy, weezy, tyga and whoever else wears big ass bright red 2 foot high high tops with tight ass jeans and biker chains. and all the other dudes who follow.....get your own swag. fuck the word swag too!