

Well-Known Member
Fuck Black Berry kush & whoever named it that without adding in the word "auto or early" before it.


Active Member
Fuck you Wafflehouse for having deliciously greasy potatoes.

Fuck you mc Donalds for having amazing shakes.

Quiznoez fuck off...


Well-Known Member
Fuck Hollywood
Fuck fashion
Fuck any other prima donna Motherfuckin posers as well
Fuck work
Fuck your neighbours dog with a wire brush if you're into that sorta thing
Fuck you're hat
Fuck Sheeple
Fuck a duck
What a Fuckin waste of time


Well-Known Member
fuck society
fuck the system
fuck people who are prejudice
fuck my lighter coz it just ran out of gas and i got and oz of the sweetest cheeba >:(
and most of all, fuck my fascist racist neighbors!