

Well-Known Member
Fuck words without works,they dont mean a thing.,.,.,so life without works doesnt either.,.,u get paid in life for the work u perform.,.,u get paid after this life for the rightousness and wisdom u gain from that work.,.,fuck u if wat ure thinking aint rite.,.,fuck fuss and fite

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck skype
fuck fishing supply company lathams.co.uk sending me everything from the order except the fishing rod?!?!?
fuck work
fuck i need a drink


Well-Known Member
DUDE what's the problem with the luda dude. I've been on RIU for awhile never had a problem with this dude


Well-Known Member
Fuck frustration
Fuck disappointment
Fuck anger
Fuck sadness
Fuck spite
Fuck negativity
Fuck saying Fuck to things.
Fuck saying Fuck to Fuck?
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.



Well-Known Member
Fuck, Fuck Fuck Fuck mother mother fuck mother mother fuck fuck mother fuck mother fuck schnoize schnoize schnoize 1, 2 . 1 2 3 4 schnoize schnoize schnoize schnoize, smokin weed, smokin weed, doing coke, drinking beers drinking beers beers beers, rolling fatties, smokin the blunts. Who smokes the blunts?? We smoke the blunts rollin them blunts and smokin them blunts.

Been along ass time since ive seen that movie so might be off the the lyrics here and there. first person to guess the movie wins a cookie. Not really but yeah.:evil:
Ok that wasn't a Blach Sheep reference??? His dad was running for Governor. Chris Farly flick...


Well-Known Member
naw dude thats fucking jay and silent bob... in something, maybe clerks. all their movies are the same, but i like them as actors.


Well-Known Member
It happens. You're here now though.

ON TOPIC: Fuck trolls. Every last one of them.
I would like to expand on this, because sometimes trolling is done effectively in the sense where it's not retarded.

Sarcasm in a sense is trolling, especially when the person simply doesn't get it lol.

I just hate the retard trolling, I R HAS CHEEZBARGLAR.

Or, people who are just plain stupid and idiotic. People who can't admit they're wrong so then resort to twisting what they say out of proportion and context to the extent where it's blatantly obvious what they're doing.

You cannot call them out on it though, it therein feeds them. An intellectual cowards escape, I won't point any fingers to anyone in particular though.

So, to sum up.

Fuck Failtrolls.
Fuck Retardtrolls.
Fuck Cluelesstrolls.
Even Fuck trolls period. But you have to admit, they're hilarious if the context and situation is suitable for it.