

FUCK people who fuck you over when they were your best homies.
FUCK people who lie obsessively when there's no reason.
FUCK Life. Because it sure as hell waits on no one.

Fuck... is there something wrong with me or some dumb shit?

P.S happyface, thanks for doing the icp fuck the world song It made me a little happier inside. lol
fuck the steelers
fuck the cowboys
fuck the ravens
fuck USC over rated bitches
fuck the gators.hope tebow okay hate the dude but he is a good guy.
fuck Anderson Silva hate um so much almost like the guy.
fuck workin in a callcenter
i like this thread its nice to vent
fuck i got a drug test in a week, and fuck the court system yall will never get them legal fees out me sooo fuck you!!!!!!
Fuck people who think being anonymous is gonna keep em safe. Fuck people that aint got a clue about what they getting into. Fuck people who insult my family. Fuck Ayr, its a shite hole. Fuck people from the shite hole. FUCK AYR WANKERS
Fuck people who think being anonymous is gonna keep em safe. Fuck people that aint got a clue about what they getting into. Fuck people who insult my family. Fuck Ayr, its a shite hole. Fuck people from the shite hole. FUCK AYR WANKERS

Fuck Annan. Fucking even better. Fucking smaller. Fucking e mail you a bullet? Fucking tough guy? Not my Fucking style, Fucking half wit. Will enjoy my Fucking weekend. Fuck yours robin.
Fuck Annan. Fucking even better. Fucking smaller. Fucking e mail you a bullet? Fucking tough guy? Not my Fucking style, Fucking half wit. Will enjoy my Fucking weekend. Fuck yours robin.

he has been back 5-6 times since you were last on geo ???????
but still keeps getting the boot.

Fucking grooming? Fuck aint that what you online so much for? You know what i Fucking talking bout. You Nonce Fuck.