
I feel for you Dubsfan.... I only had it on that one, and the rest of my harvest went down smooth and bountiful! Im very pleased... but, totally sucks throwing away killer bud that has mold on it.... urgh FUCK MOLD
Fuck a Job
Fuck a thief
Fuck a lier
Fuck a landlord
Fuck a Bitch
Fuck an apartment
Fuck a junt
Fuck a goat
Fuck a Faget tryin to be my friend
Fuck time
Fuck stress
Fuck snitches
Fuck spider mites
Fuck the FDA
Fuck corporate media "news"
Fuck mooches
Fuck left lane Sunday drivers
Fuck Glenn Beck
Fuck pop music
Fuck Ameren
Fuck lobbyists
Fuck any and all forms of marijuana prohibition
Fuck as often as you can
fuck my cat stealing a defrosting steak in the night winging it about the kitchen till the place looks like dexters been in, when right next to my juicy fat fillet was a bloody salmon steak?!!?!?!? cats.......
fuck my cat stealing a defrosting steak in the night winging it about the kitchen till the place looks like dexters been in, when right next to my juicy fat fillet was a bloody salmon steak?!!?!?!? cats.......

yeah--FUCK THAT!! lol..so sorry, been there myself--except it was ground beef that the housesitter left out for TWO DAYS, and the cats also got into a roll of toilet paper and had chunks of torn up bloody tp all over the house too---it looked and smelled like a fuck'n massacre. That's what greeted me when i got home from CO. fuck that.
fuck algebra, fuck polynomials, fuck rational inequalities, fuck factoring, fuck asymptotes, fuck x and y intercepts....... god damn fuck the slope formula. i think im ready for my final.