

New Member
Fuck the boys in blue that think they are tuff because they got the law backing them.
Fuck it I say meet me on the mat and see how tuff you are.
Fuck you cause you got picked on in High School by the jocks and got dissed by all
the cuties, now you wear a badge with a big chip on your shoulder and wanna show
us all how tuff you are flexing your so called importance.
Fuck its obvious you will all get what you deserve, thats apparent by the fact that someone
decided to blast four cops the other day. People can only take so much shit before they start
giving it back.
Fuck my wife cause shes a bitch that needs to sign the divorce papers.
Fuck paying the mortgage on a house that aint worth shit and wont be worth shit for another
10 years.
Fuck having to put up with peoples shit and not being able to pop them in the mouth for coming
Fuck Christmas is almost hear, why cant december be a forty day month to give me more time to enjoy
it and celebrate.
Fuck not having time to take a proper vacation.
Fuck some of the members on this site for being little bitches.


Well-Known Member
didnt this thread get closed for some reason lastnight? i was typing in "fuck capitalism " and clicked post and it said the thread was closed, but i couldnt figure out why


fuck capitalism