
Fuck bill collectors who can't speak a fuckin word of English, I have the money to pay my whole credit card off but not until I get a call from a fucking American who speaks English.... Fuck you Capital One and your off site thick accent ass employee's :cough:INDIA:cough:

(I was born in Mexico btw)
Holy fucking shit this is a big fucking thread on FUCK !!!!

Fuck cops
Fuck the navy
Fuck customs
Fuck the army
Fuck all haters of marijuana
Fuck the law
Fuck the law on marijuana
Fuck it i could go on for hours, fuck this

fuck it 420 it is
fuck wiping your ass , and getting poop on your finger .
fuck waking up with morning wood and pissing on the trash can next to the toilet and having to punch it to regain controlled.
FUCK wiggers, FUCK rudeboy's, FUCK chav's, FUCK crap weed, FUCK the goverment, FUCK the Royal Familly, FUCK the fucker/s that made cannabis illegal, FUCK EMO skin tight trouser wearing fag's, FUCK nosey neighbours, FUCK dieses and death, FUCK expensive prostitutes, FUCK paying for them :) , FUCK heat issues, FUCK religion, FUCK towelheads, FUCK waking up to early, FUCK you you FUCKING FUCK ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh F U C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK IT! - STELTHY
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fuck! Thats funny.