
FUCK wiggers, FUCK rudeboy's, FUCK chav's, FUCK crap weed, FUCK the goverment, FUCK the Royal Familly, FUCK the fucker/s that made cannabis illegal, FUCK EMO skin tight trouser wearing fag's, FUCK nosey neighbours, FUCK dieses and death, FUCK expensive prostitutes, FUCK paying for them :) , FUCK heat issues, FUCK religion, FUCK towelheads, FUCK waking up to early, FUCK you you FUCKING FUCK ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh F U C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK IT! - STELTHY
Fuck i couldnt have said it better.
FUCK wiggers, FUCK rudeboy's, FUCK chav's, FUCK crap weed, FUCK the goverment, FUCK the Royal Familly, FUCK the fucker/s that made cannabis illegal, FUCK EMO skin tight trouser wearing fag's, FUCK nosey neighbours, FUCK dieses and death, FUCK expensive prostitutes, FUCK paying for them :) , FUCK heat issues, FUCK religion, FUCK towelheads, FUCK waking up to early, FUCK you you FUCKING FUCK ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh F U C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK IT! - STELTHY
towelheads? arent those pricks catching enough shit already?
Fuck satellite dishes,fuck cell phone towers,they can't be healhty.Fuck aspartame,fuck GMO foods,fuck Monsanto.Fuck US companies that ship their manufacturing ,etc. overseas.Fuck vaccines,fuck tap water,fuck puppets in the gov.,and the media.
Fuck US Banks, Fuck they're CEO's, Fuck they're CEO's secretary, Fuck the secretaries dog, fuck the presidents, vice presidents, HR's, and all they're Exec's too...fuck the oil companies for ripping us off, fuck voip companies for ripping people off, Fuck the IRS, Fuck they're many soulless employees, fuck the cops, fuck the dea, fuck the fbi, fuck the cia, fuck the department of homeland security, fuck all of them for taking away what freedom we had left in the name of security...
FUCK the FUCKING ABBEY/SANTANDER (SHABBY/SATAN-DUH) I Would like to give all employees & employers of the ABBEY a FUCKING Chelsea smile! FUCK those FUCKERS, then stuff their FUCKING heads in a FUCKING bag, and smash them against their shitty bank walls, I'd like to torch the shitty bank its so FUCKING shit! And burn it to the FUCKING ground, What a bunch of incompetant, 2-bit FUCKS, they have no FUCKING brains, its worse than trying to get what you ordered at Mc Donalds FUCK! Excellent customer service my FUCKING ass! FUCKING halfwits! Everytime I go there I feel like a rape victim where they've FUCKED me so hard!!! am closing my FUCKING account today thank FUCK!, FUCKING bank, Thank FUCK its closed now FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - STELTHY ps/ I am glad thats off my FUCKING chest :) ........ I need a FUCKING doob :leaf:
fuck long lines.. fuck no matter what line your in, it always moves the slowest..
fuck running out of ganja before your next harvest is ready.. fuck schwag.. fuck stems and seeds and things we don't need,, fuck everyday and twice on sunday,,fuck you, fuck me and fuck her, hardly, with a chainsaw..
fuck not being able to sleep.. fuck working the graveyard shift.. fuck working for the man.. fuck working period.. fuck, lets all grow for a living and overgrow the government.. fuck, they can't arrest all of us if everyone grew, nahmean?
fuck fuck fuck..
Fuck you Norv Turner, I hope you fall into a coma where you miraculously recover after the Chargers win the Superbowl for having to replace your sorry ass

Fuck you AJ Smith for hiring Norv Turner, give Jackson and McNeil their money you sorry son of a bitch
Fuck Doctors whom pass me off to other doctors who pass me off
Fuck anesthesiologist bills
Fuck physical therapists that send me back to the doctors who pass me off
Fuck insomnia
Fuck suffering
Fuck not being able to do fun stuff with my kids
Fuck the people who won't put me on SSDI
Fuck my arm constantly twitching and going numb
Fuck Steve Sarich
Fuck everyone that thinks I don't need weed because I "look alright" to them
Fuck opiate withdrawal
Fuck Oprah
Fuck that guy that hit me with a metal pipe 10 years ago
Fuck Sub-Zero refrigerators
Fuck that car that never hit me when crossing the street
Fuck Doctors whom pass me off to other doctors who pass me off
Fuck anesthesiologist bills
Fuck physical therapists that send me back to the doctors who pass me off
Fuck insomnia
Fuck suffering
Fuck not being able to do fun stuff with my kids
Fuck the people who won't put me on SSDI
Fuck my arm constantly twitching and going numb
Fuck Steve Sarich
Fuck everyone that thinks I don't need weed because I "look alright" to them
Fuck opiate withdrawal
Fuck Oprah
Fuck that guy that hit me with a metal pipe 10 years ago
Fuck Sub-Zero refrigerators
Fuck that car that never hit me when crossing the street

Fuckin sounds to me like a bunch of fucking dirty mother fuckers.