Fucked if I know!! you tell me!!


Active Member
8 weeks into flower... 5 plants and only 1 seems to be dying... all the leaves are curled up and dried out... I think this was from heat stress.... but what i'm wondering now is should I harvest this one plant now??? also noticed before the heat stress that everytime i watered the other pots soil is always really dried out while this one plant's soil was always still very wet??? is this nute lock?

Should I harvest??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
8 weeks into flower... 5 plants and only 1 seems to be dying... all the leaves are curled up and dried out... I think this was from heat stress.... but what i'm wondering now is should I harvest this one plant now??? also noticed before the heat stress that everytime i watered the other pots soil is always really dried out while this one plant's soil was always still very wet??? is this nute lock?

Should I harvest??
wet soilis not nute lock out. lock out is mainly coused from off ph. are the drain holes all the same in all the pots


Well-Known Member
could just be a phenotype, or bad genetics, or different genetics, got some kind of bug in the soil, anything can happen.

My blueberry is always drier and more thirsty than my rhinowreck even though they are in the same pot size and get the same water/nutes/lights. Just happens


Active Member
is this how your other plants were murdered?lol... I would say you goy lucky on the plants in that batch with no holes. quick, put drain holes in them all..


Active Member
ok so I can't drill holes right now since they are huge plants in big pots.. so should I harvest the dying one to save what I can??