Fucked Up First Time


Active Member
I done weed for the first time last nite while tenting with some friends. To start with i was having a few drags between a group of 5 and we must have done about two spliffs, i was feeling fine and feeling giggly and light headed. Then two of my friends left the tent for a bit and we made a bong out of a water bottle, so we was passing this around between three of us and everyone seemed fine but then i got a really heavy head and started feeling really weird as if everything was goign upwards. I was really cold so i got in a sleeping bag, it felt like the bag wasnt sposed to be there and was rele itchy and all my nerves were on end everything felt so weird and i was shaking. I would tense up every few seconds and keep doing that again and again the only way to stop it was to close my eyes but when i did that it felt like i was floating off a cliff again and again and was rele fuckd up and scary. My little spasms and twitches kept going and my friends were just like wtf. then i was sick everywhere :spew:and just laid in the corner shaking. I dont think there was anything else added to it coz my friends were all fine.

Is that fucked up for a first time? :confused: coz i dont know if i should do it again in case i get a similar experience.


Well-Known Member
First times are usually always more powerful than subsequent sessions... I would float off into oblivion my first few times, was actually TOO powerful for me, glad it's calmed down quite a bit :)


Well-Known Member
Dude, when I started smoking, like REALLY smoking, I would get TOOO FADED. Like everything felt straight surreal to me, like i was walking through a dream. When I'd lay down, I'd trip because every move I made felt like it echoed through my body. Like I'd move my arm and stop, but it would feel like I was still moving...

Yeah, it mellows out as you get used to it. I WISH I could get as high as I used to....


Well-Known Member
Umm.. most of us experienced smokers really wish we could get as high as our first times. Really man you need to keep the consciousness that NOTHING will happen to you and that you WILL BE fine in a few hours. Just sit back and enjoy the experience and relax.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like you just smoked too much and got 'stoned'. Next time, just take two hits and no more. See how you feel in half an hour, if all is good, take 2 more. It can take 10-15 mins for the real head to take effect sometimes and if you smoke too much it can be pretty spazzy.

I wish I could get stoned again. :)


Well-Known Member
I love getting stoned:weed: once you know what's happening and just go with it it makes it much better. Lol the first time I got stoned I thought I was seriously going to die.


Active Member
ok cheers guys, i think i'll try it again sometime, but take it a bit easy i mean i did take a lot in in a short amount of time and then felt like absolute shit. Will it defo feel better? coz i was just like i shud av got pissed instead..

and no i dont know wat strain it was but my friend sed it was pretty average


Well-Known Member
That sounds like what we used to call stone tracks. It is usually with more novice smokers but i still get it once in a while. Sometimes being cold can bring it on if your already fucked up. Not typical of being high though. Don't give up,smoke less next time.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like you just smoked too much and got 'stoned'. Next time, just take two hits and no more. See how you feel in half an hour, if all is good, take 2 more. It can take 10-15 mins for the real head to take effect sometimes and if you smoke too much it can be pretty spazzy.

I wish I could get stoned again. :)

Thats the way to do it girl



Well-Known Member
yep its better to go for a good buzz the first time but if you do get stoned just remember its ok it wears off with no ill affects so just enjoy it. when i feel out of control from being to stoned i just find something cool to focus on until i come down. like music or a movie thats funny. Jay and silent bob movies fuckin crack me up.


Active Member
ive been that high before i was right there with u couldnt stop tweakin. that was when i first started smoking after a while i built a tolerance to it and now i barley even feel it.