Fucked Up Or Just A Fool?


Active Member
well i find that every time a crowd forms to smoke weed with me they all ask me to bring the same thing. so 45 minutes later and a long ass car ride im blown a 2gram dutch of purple haze/kush mix. after a while they pass out, go out 2 eat or start conversing about the most brain dead shit.
tonight one of them asked me what whould happen if i laced weed with coke...lol i was cracking up. i cover the tips of my blunts in a bit of coke but i only do it if im the only one smokeing. so i tell him you cant casue coke burns to fast. you need to make crack. he goes "Oh...." i go round the block to eat. when im back he asks me again and im like wtf? i just told u a while back. Ohhh....20 mins later...again her asks. he asked me like 20 times. in the end i just bounced. i smoked till i was good. not to fucked up but buzzed like crazy./ i dont get why people smoke to get fucked up and then act like fools.....are they fools in real life or just to fucked up?


Well-Known Member
if anything mj makes me more alert. when i'm with people that is.

alone, i kind of zone out when im ripped.

altho i do smoke 1-3g a day. so maybe i'm just used to the overly strong retard side effects. i can handle them as im sure most of you can.


Well-Known Member
in a situation like that i tend to just go along with someone like that you will have more fun that way, if you just get pissed off with them your high is fuked