Fucked Up Story About Laced Weed


stays relevant.
the idea of this thread was to perpetuate hate and distrust for the following:

dave chapelle
bus stops

this thread is laced, with nazi propaganda.


Well-Known Member
My first few posts in months and i am already getting shot at:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
In my country they dont lace with pcp and as you know you cant smoke lsd,its not possible.

DMT is the main culprit.
Its very cheap and when buds have been expertly tumbled in a tric collector that is similar to a tumble dryer it is extrordinarily cheap to dip the thc-less buds into dmt.

They do it here a lot and when this happens they also use,sand or glass particles and other crap to make the weed look like it still has crystals on it.
As i said in rare cases people have been know to use brown(smak)to lure people into becoming addicted to smak for the obvious reason of selling you more and more drugs of a more expensive nature.

This weed is obviously initially more expensive but the bad dealer knows once he has an addict he will reap his outlaid cash back 10 fold.
I have no clue or interest in wether the original poster was lying or not just making my own comments heard.
If forced to i would agree that the original poster is either lying or has been told crap but what i said is a fact:mrgreen:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If he didnt test positive for it then it was something else, even if your body has an immunity to something you may not get fucked up but you will still test positive for it. It was probably mixed with salvia, a legal herb that will make you trip harder than almost anything but only for a matter of minutes. That's what happened to me, some piece of shit mixed my bowl with it and it had that shiny appearance youare talking about, and i started tripping balls, thought i was for sure on pcp or lsd or something like that, but this was when i first started smoking weed and I have done lsd and have seen people on pcp and it doesnt fuck you up like that. One way to find out is to go buy some salvia cause its legal smoke a bunch and see if its the same, it isnt bad for you hence why its legal, and might solve your mystery. Make sure its real tho and not tobacco, some people cut tobacco up and try and pass it off as salvia. If your lucky you find the actual leaves of the plant. Not sure but hope this helps.
I'd bet moeny that salvia is to blame. This seems by far the most logical explination. Certianly not acid tho. BTW, any time I've ever heard a black dude refur to 'fire', he's talkin about cocaine (nasty shit). However I'm fairly sure you cant lace weed with coke, I could be wrong tho. But that really doesnt sound anything like somone on crack/cocaine. I agree that there is a lot about this story that doesnt make a whole lot of sense.:bigjoint:


stays relevant.
HEY! Cocaine being nasty is a matter of opinion...

I think it's great aside from the fact that it drains my wallet, and leaves me depressed for hours after using it... oh, and it also gives me bad sinus problems.

I don't think it was salvia... you would have to smoke shitloads of salvia to get what he described, OR smoke a lot of the extract, and I might be wrong but i'm sure this guy knows the difference between salvia and weed.


stays relevant.
Oh yeah, you CAN smoke coke, even with weed... of course you couldnt lace the weed with coke, and not have it be terribly noticeable... if you had enough to get you high off the coke, you would see it, and taste it (it tastes sweet). plus i've had moments where i've done ridiculous amounts of coke, and not once have I ever experienced a visual, or felt a pain that corresponded with the visual.


Active Member
@edux10: Ok, so yeah, I really have no idea if he's lying about the LSD part (looks like he is apparently), but the point is he got fucked up. Another thing - he's not a noob smoker... I couldn't remember how much he told me he bought, but it wasn't a whole lot. And yes PCP and LSD CAN be tested for... I don't know why he would lie to me about the shit he saw while he was trippin... it didn't sound pleasant at all. And in response to people saying "NO WAI WHY WOULD HE PUT DEM IN DA WEEDZ? HE LOSE MONEY DAT WAY!", like I said before, there are people in this world that don't give a shit about you and wouldn't care if you burned to the ground in front of them. Either that or like other people said he was trying to see if he would come back for more.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't LSD. It most likely wasn't PCP. If you bought a nickel or dime, it would have to contain over 10 mg of PCP to cause the type high that your friend experienced. You would notice the angel dust that settled at the bottom of the bad if so.

I once bought a bag of wet weed that laced with PCP (most likely). My friend I smoked it like it was weed and we went crazy for close to 8 hours. My heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof. The hallucinations were morbid. Thankfully I had some extra xanax and some beer to bring us down.

PCP is very dangerous and if I didn't have a xanax, I would have called 911.


Active Member
so he ran away without looking back and u havent seen him since......so how the fuck do u know this story then??

"I was talking to my friend today about some crazy shit that happened to him not too long ago...

A couple of months ago two of my friends were around"

"and just books it as fast as he can without looking back.

Hasn't seen him since then,....."

so u were talking to him today about this stuff that happend a month ago but u havent seen him since , either story is bullshit or ur high and cant type lmao


Well-Known Member
so he ran away without looking back and u havent seen him since......so how the fuck do u know this story then??

"I was talking to my friend today about some crazy shit that happened to him not too long ago...

A couple of months ago two of my friends were around"

"and just books it as fast as he can without looking back.

Hasn't seen him since then,....."

so u were talking to him today about this stuff that happend a month ago but u havent seen him since , either story is bullshit or ur high and cant type lmao
He meant that the guy running hasn't seen the guys he ran from since then.
dang man,
thats a fucked up story.

got a hilarious image in my head with dave chapelle tryin 2 sell PCP lmao.

fuck that piece of shit dealer, he shoulda stomped his face into the ground

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
... and then as they turned around the corner, IT WAS HOOK HAND! BACK TO PULL THEIR GUTS OUT!

Seriously though, I've seen salvia extract that looks like dark, oily, shake and stems pot, at a glance. Anyone who's smoked it correctly would be able to see how someone could mistake the high for weed laced with crazy hallucinogens they've never partaken of personally.

Why is it so hard to believe that a crackhead could have robbed a place and stole all their salvia and is now trying to repackage it and sell it? They sell it at gas stations, head shops, and porno stores all over the place out here.

But anyways, tell your friend congratulations on graduating Bus Stop Weed 101.


Active Member
doubt there was L in his weed. first, black people cant get L, and second, one hit of L would raise the price of the dime by a minimum of $5. But most importantly, a DOT5 drug screen doesn't test for psychedelics. psych chemicals go straight to the spinal chord and brainstem and the only people that are allowed to conduct spinal taps are the US Military. Oh and they can test your spinal chord fluid if your dead too. It could have had PCP in it but I'm callin bullshit on at least 50% of this story.
