Fucken Voles/moles


Well-Known Member
Do any of you have advice on how to combat voles? They are digging up my garden and have killed a peeper plant and a cucumber plant. Every time i see a hole i shove the hose down it. This stops them for about 2-3 day but then they just come back. They dig tunnels and sometime run under plants and eat the roots.

It is not as bad as this picture but this is what i am seeing.




New Member
I moved to a new house with a terrible gopher problem. My cats figured out how to catch them. No more gophers.

Maybe try a cat?


Well-Known Member
I have heard that dropping a couple castor beans in the hole will take care of it. they supposedly eat on the bean and the rest is history


Well-Known Member
I managed to grow them [castor beans] w/o ill effects....and didn't take any extra precautions. Handled the seed bare handed, disposed of the plants w/o gloves...maybe God protects the stupid, but, I think the hazard is overblown.


Active Member
go and get some small live traps, I have major chipmunk problems and use that although lately I've just filled a bucket with water leaned a stick up to it having the top over hang put peanut butter on the end when the little fucker climbs to the top the weight tips him in. KERPLUNK! dunno if that helps with voles lol but traps of some sort gotta work.


Active Member
I believe your local garden store should care some sort of granulized or powder "repellent" but i've learned the only way to get rid of things in the garden is extermination.


Active Member
There is a mole/vole pellet bait that you can get, the most effective way to use it, that is also safe for the plants (and for your pets if you have any) is to get a 1' piece of 1" pvc. On one end put a cap and then put a handful of the repellent in the tube. Then take the tube and stick it cap end first into the hole so that its opening is still there. Voles have many different holes and know where all of them are, as well as being attracted to the bait. The bait will then kill the vole while hes under ground. Organic composting!


Well-Known Member
Youtube 'vole trapping and techniques' 2 mouse traps and a piece of rain gutter. Works like a charm. Im licensed pest control tech and use this method for chemical free vole control


Well-Known Member
I got some mouse traps and but them next to the hole with some peanut butter and put a bucket on top of it. I have been getting 2-3 a day. wont be long now. They haven't dug up my garden in a while.


Well-Known Member
You can buy smoke bombs for moles. They sell them at home depot under something called Giant Destroyer Smoke Bombs. You won't be able to get all of them, but you might be able kill off enough to get them to move into the next yard. Remember, moles don't actually eat roots or intentionally attack plants. They eat worms and small bugs in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Do any of you have advice on how to combat voles? They are digging up my garden and have killed a peeper plant and a cucumber plant. Every time i see a hole i shove the hose down it. This stops them for about 2-3 day but then they just come back. They dig tunnels and sometime run under plants and eat the roots.

It is not as bad as this picture but this is what i am seeing.


Hose method is not fun if you live at the top of a hill, and the neighbor at the bottom has a swimming pool, should you forget the water is on LOL.
A good dog will catch them, cats, or my fav. is about a 1/4 of an everyday road flare, plug most of the holes you can find, light the flare with a propane torch, and stuff it in, with a little dirt behind it. Watch for a bit and just go around closing up holes where you see smoke coming from the ground. The sulphur smoke will usually kill the little suckers, but if it missed any, it leaves a real bad taste in their mouth and chases them to the neighbor's yard.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Between voles, gophers and weasels my dog seldom gets bored. Although he manges to keep killing the weasels that eat the voles and digs up the fucking yard in the process!

That's what you should do, get a weasel.:-P

LOL or buy a badass ferret with a leash and train that thing to be your lil hunting weasel! (Dressed in florescent orange)

I had two when I was a kid, one named squeegie and the other one was fujiko. One managed to get in the air ducts and didn't find him until a couple days later. (End rant)