Fuckin florida, man.....

I'm not a entomologist but I think that the spider mites that are pests to plants aren't like most other spiders. Most spiders are carnivorous and eat other spiders and insects. The spider mites that feed on your plants are their own species, and more like a mite rather than a spider. If a "typical" spider lives in your garden and casts a web it's actually helping you by creating a natural insect glue trap.

Class: Arachnid = good
Class : Arachnid + Subclass: Acari = Bad

I love spiders because they eat all the other stuff I don't want in my house.


Well-Known Member
Well I cantell you it is def not a brown recluse. A brown recluse actually has a small thin abdomen with a violin shape on there underside. They look like a thin brown daddy longlegs. Ususally find them in webs tucked underneath stuff. Also no way a wolf spider, I have them regularly in my garden. They freak me out but I keep em around to kill stuff. Wolf Spiders have a body similar to the one you found but more round and pronounced ribbed sections. Wolf Spiders have almost a coco powder colored legs and a chocolate colored body. They are very fast in the ground and will run and jump. I live in Cali so I cant really guess as to what you have there but is probably a common grass or garden spider that snuck in. It may be a hybrid of some kind as well. I see lots of spiders around my yard that look like a brown widow but with checked patters or red spots. Found a mexican jumping spider in my rosemary the other day.....damn thing scared me too death.


Well-Known Member
Recluses live in Florida! I just moved from there!

This is one here
View attachment 1498573

Yeah them palmetto bugs fly also! Had one land on my head one time! Still freaking bout that! What part of Florida you in?
That is the biggest recluse I have ever seen. must have been living wild in the everglades or something. The body is just incredibley huge. they only are tiny here in cali.
Recluses live in Florida! I just moved from there!

This is one here
View attachment 1498573

Yeah them palmetto bugs fly also! Had one land on my head one time! Still freaking bout that! What part of Florida you in?
Looks very similar but the markings seem a little different. I know wikipedia is a controversial source but here's the range of the brown recluse according to it.


They are nasty little guys. One of the few spiders I'm afraid of. I'm sure most of you have seen the pictures but a powerful bite can causes necrosis or death of your skin. It turns into a big infected wound.


Well-Known Member
ive killed bigger shit than that. it's nasty but i would have to kill it. i hate, hate spiders, i could thow up looking at that but even if there were a battle - me vs. the spider, i would win. i would have to or i would never sleep again
I'm telling you guys, the typical spiders you see help you by eating the other pests in your house or garden. The mites that kill your plants are different. Coexist with the common spiders and they will help you out. A few bites are a small price to pay as long is it's not a recluse or black widow, in the US anyway.


Well-Known Member
palmetto bugs a roaches........just crush em and roll em up and smoke em............................brown recluse are in Texas...........had a friend bitten by one and had a hell of time with skin rottening around the bite.....................spiders are your friend.......even the black widow...........Im to busy listineing to the Germany or florida deal beardo posted so Im not sure what Im typeing..................look Im typeing again................................and here...............oh wait...spiders..........its a wolf spider......harmless..........who keeps a roach for a pet and paints its toe nails red..........wait do spiders have toe nails....................no silly.............well he said he put toenail polish on it....................well he did that to mark it..............oh ok .............you dummy...........Im not dumb Im high................so you say.......I do say...............stop it...........no............yes..........FUCK IM STONED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..............


Well-Known Member
Didn't jump, but then again I caught him off guard. By the time he knew what was going on one of his leg was gone and the other was hanging on by a thread. If this big fucker would of jumped at me I would of screamed like a girl. Lol
little girl.jpg

10 characters


Well-Known Member
I'm leaving NY to drive down to Florida and spend a week there tomorrow night. If I see any spiders like that I'm going to put them in a mason jar and pop off the other 7 legs.
Wow...thats a long drive......hope you got plenty of money to buy gas!!! lol ......take'er easy....


Well-Known Member
I'm in Florida as well, and i can tell you, we end up with folks hospitalized because of brown recluse bites... we have them here something awful... The best way to avoid having them anywhere near your home is to keep spraying your yard for bugs, avoid white exterior porch lights, use yellow instead, etc... If you keep insects off your property, you'll likely avoid spiders as well. The pics below are of brown recluse and the URL is an article about Florida being invaded by them.

View attachment 1498731 View attachment 1498736


Im pretty sure brown recluse is mostly west coast? California kind of stuff? I've seen black widows in the mid-atlantic. That looks like a common grass spider like they're saying..nothing dangerous. brown recluse and black widows are the only dangerous ones we have.. I've seen a wolf spider that was bigger than that, freaked me the fuck out.

edit - and i defintely see a cricket leg or something in that tupperware lmao im guessing its a spider leg because of the circumstances but it doesnt look like one?!