Fucking cat!

Just a heads up, keep your pets away from your grows. A lot of the nutrients out there are poison to dogs/cats. I remember reading a thread on Overgrow years back about an owner whose dog drank some of his runoff from his plants and ended up dieing because of it. :( Pets often don't know any better.. my dog drinks out of the toilet after all if she's thirsty and I don't fill her water bowl fast enough.. lol.
i'll admit...i didn't read the thread.... i was just skimming through and i saw..

Fucking Cats...

and i was thinking...wow...theres a man that don't care what people think about his love life...

i congratulate you...

later...wish you success
i read it now....

cats sucks ass... i use to have one... fur every where, sleeps on your pillow when your not around (i think it tries to wipe its ass on your pillow when your not around..i don't know... they just seem to have that type of personality)... they walk away from you when you call them, as if they're saying "fuck off"... then it will rub its fur all over you when your ready to go out as if its purposely trying to screw you over... don't clean its litter box on time... boy oh boy..nice surprise left for you on the floor or in a corner or in the bathtub... ha...cats are cool
we got rid of my cat for that same reason..lil fucker kept getting in the closet some how..ate my clones..and dug around in my main plants pot..

he had 2 go..tossed him right off the balcony (i live on the second floor) lol
Mike... not cool man. I know cats are theoretically good at surviving heights but there's no need to risk any animal's life just because you're a c*nt and it's unwanted. Take it to a shelter or something, don't be cruel to pets - they have no idea and it's not fair.

Sorry to have to mention that, but I'm sure most would agree with me.
i agree with you 100 percent..it was jus the fact that i caught him doing it,imagine you were blazin a fatty..kitty comes puring past ur legs,they jus dives in your pot n starts digging like its no 2morrow lol

i jus went from 0-60 in 2.5 lol..
haha after my cat did that i gave her a bath she was so angry but she had dirt on her and plus i wanted to see her wimper like a bitch idk why i have this cat its so silly