Fucking Earth Juice


If you're going to criticize a nutrient line (this isn't directed at just the OP) it would help if you could elaborate. Not just on what your problems were specifically, but also your specific growing style and include what dosages of what products you were using. As for any Earth Juice products being pulled or recalled, I did a search and only came up with this thread. All of the major online garden/hydro retailers appear to be selling Earth Juice products still, with no indications that anything went awry.

If you want something truly 'user-friendly' then go with the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro line, otherwise growing anything is going to take a little more understanding. You need to understand something about what you're growing (cannabis in our case) and what kind of environment your cannabis likes to grow in. You need to understand what you plant requires to grow (besides nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium), and you need to know something about the products you are using, which requirements they meet and how they are supposed to be used.

Taking this post as an example:
i, too, am switching from ej. there are just too many complications with the pH and what not. things go well for the first month or so, then....BAM!! plants go yellow, get burn spots, so on. if anyone is considering getting earth juice for the spectacle of cheap organics, you really get what you pay for with this stuff. i'm switching to g.h. flora, hopefully i'll have better results with the lucas formula.
This person is clearly having issues, but instead of working towards understanding what exactly goes on within the soil/plants and attempting to remedy the situation, he automatically attributes it all to the nutrients he is currently using. Complications with the pH? The stuff is straight up acidic, no doubt. These formulations are very raw organic fertilizers. You need something straight up basic, and plenty of it, both in your soil and periodically in your fertigation mixtures. Earth Juice happens to make natural pH Up/Down, but it isn't required. You could use dolomite lime, crushed oyster or eggshells.
Fertilizers don't just stop working with the intention of fucking with you. They have no motives. If your plants are going yellow you're either not using enough fertilizer (larger plants need more), or you're not incorporating the correct formulation. In the case of Earth Juice, Bloom (0-3-1) has no nitrogen. You're supposed to use some Bloom during veg, but more importantly you need to use some Grow (2-1-1) during flower. You only stop using Grow entirely during the last few weeks of flower. 'Burn spots' I can only assume might be from calcium deficiency, apply crushed oyster shell (calcium carbonate) or dolomite lime (Ca+Mg) to the soil generously. I would also recommend molasses throughout the entire grow, except for the final weeks, in order to supply extra potassium with micro-nutrients as well as feed the herd.

I guess my point is, if you are having issues you should try to find out exactly what they are and how you might correct them before assuming that some other brand will be the solution to all of your problems.

Neptune's Harvest I don't think is made by Earth Juice. There is Grow, Bloom, Microblast, Meta-K, and Catalyst. Sugar Peak Grow and Bloom are supposed to be easy to use formulas but I have yet to see or use them. Briximus Maximus and Grand Finale I have yet to use, but I would like to try them.


Active Member
I bet nobody was bubbling their EJ solution right? well thats the problem bubble that shit for at least two days!!! before watering shake the shit out of it. EJ is a good BASIC line. You really cant go wrong using EJ but definitely use more than recommended at least 2 times as much as 3 times as much as recommended. Ej contains EVRYTHING a plant needs to live but how much you give them to thrive is in your hands.