whats trollingInstead of being a troll, why don't you bring up counter arguments to my views if they are not correct?
Oh wait, you cannot because they are correct.
Carry on with your trolling.
And then you recognize that the US Health Department owns the patent on medicinal use...(1) Schedule I.—
(A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision." [20]
No prescriptions may be written for Schedule I substances, and such substances are subject to production quotas by the DEA.
Under the DEA's interpretation of the CSA, a drug does not necessarily have to have the same abuse potential as heroin or cocaine to merit placement in Schedule I (in fact, cocaine is currently a Schedule II drug due to limited medical use):
When it comes to a drug that is currently listed in schedule I, if it is undisputed that such drug has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and it is further undisputed that the drug has at least some potential for abuse sufficient to warrant control under the CSA, the drug must remain in schedule I. In such circumstances, placement of the drug in schedules II through V would conflict with the CSA since such drug would not meet the criterion of "a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States." 21 USC 812(b).
'till the 'Nips sucker punched us into it......Lets go surfin now. Come and ride a tsunami with me....hes referring to WW2
a war we did everything in our power not to fight. x D
The patent office is like the post office. Not direct goverment agencies.arent they buying the patent from themselves?
If talking about MJ dont they already?Idk for sure. If they have the patent, they get to say who can and can't produce the said patented product.
Clearly you don't understand the severity of certain disorders. Schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, severe dystopia and ADD... Overdiagnosis, overattribution, and excessive use of. Pharmaceuticals are rampant, but your response is itself bipolar. What we seem to need is a greater level of collective reasonimg and community education, and of COURSE a revamped healthcare system (blame Canada?).I'm with you on the anti-pharma stance BL. Everything that requires a pill could be solved via dietary means, period.
EDIT: except serious pain relievers used for operations and such, I realize.
*Tips head down*, *Whispers "Monsanto"* (in a gravely voice)
I remember when Hemp was a cash crop with major economic impact, then came *Tips head down*, *Whispers "Dupont"* (in a gravely voice)
Looking at that patent (2001 is quite a while back, where's the fire?), I don't think it's so scary. After all, the DSHS is responsible for overseeing health care, and if things are going in a positive direction for mmj, this might be a hushed step toward bringing this to people who need the medicine. Why not? I've seen tons of "for the people" paperwork sneak through under the radar of corporate lawyers (it's very much a robin hood gig sometimes!)
If any of you guys know anything about the health care reform debate (I mean other than twisted sound bytes), it really is interesting to think that DSHS could be attempting to leverage the use of this plant within a single payor system for the widest population in the US, the medicare and medicaid insured populations! Just a crazy, hopeful thought.![]()
It is their way of making sure it is NEVER LEGAL TO GROW OR MAKE YOUR OWN CANNABINOIDS...EVEN IF ITS USE IS DECRIMINALIZEDThis must be their insurance policy in case it becomes legalized.
No, it most definitely is not a good thing. People don't realize just how far this reaches.NICE!!! Another person with open eyes!!
A guy I work with used to be in the medical field, working with pharma reps. Last week we went out for a few drinks after work, and we got to talking about health care and whatnot. He tells me about 3 yrs ago he was at a seminar (in Vegas,paid for by big pharma-go figure) and had a chance to talk to some higher ups in the industry. So he had asked how reaserch was going on cures for some of the major diseases ie: cancer,aids,etc. He said they responded, totaly straight faced and without missing a beat(his words)-"we dont reaserch cures, theres no money in curing diseases"... F'ing great these are the peple our health is depending on and the people with the most influence in Washington. Hang em high til they swing in the breeze...