Fucking Sony sticks it to me good.


Well-Known Member
So the other night, I'm playing Destiny. Leave the room for 3 hrs. and when I came back the Playstation was off. So I was high, and thought to myself oh it powered off its self. Go to turn it on and the blue light turns on and the box beeps, then shuts off immediately. Everything online says its a bad power supply 70 bucks to replace. Then my buddy says call Sony and do a warranty claim.
Call them up and am told because I don't have an original receipt I couldn't do a warranty claim, but the dude says "I can offer you a protection plan for 50 bucks and you can send it in under that. Sweet! I get the box and the slip says you have to have a receipt. So I call up Sony after receiving an email that didn't have the plan #, my name, nothing just an empty template. And now there's no chance of warranty repair, I did get my 50 bucks back, but what a hassle. The PlayStation doesn't turn a year old for another 2 days. WTF there was no answer to that question. Feel a little betrayed by the Japanese right now. I have been a loyal ps fan since forever.
Guess I'll fix it my self, the sad part is even if its broken beyond my ability to repair, I'll still buy a fucking other one because the god damn marketing department for Sony has me brainwashed.
They did offer 180.00 service fee which I declined because I felt betrayed. I was so hoping they would be upstanding and fix the bitch.
WTF? Is it your power cord that's bad? That's some bull shit xbox has always done me right. I would have stayed with PS just for final fantasy but they were out of stock when I went to get one and only had the xbox in stock.