Fucking Stoner Pitbulls!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so my dog is a tree eating stoner ass bitch. I got an outdoor garden build from scrap wood I have it barried to hell now but my dog neve stops trying he pushed against the fence to make it bend to catch a nibble tries to squeeze under it and shit. what can i use to keep him away is there a chemical or something if not imma have to just get an electric fence or something


Active Member
haha idk man but my dog used to run through the shock and suck it up, so if you take the electric fence route i would get a decent one...or you could reinforce the fence with extra poles and cement the pulls and a portion of the fence into the ground for extra support...but the good news is that i doubt your badass dog is gonna let anyone touch your plants haha


Well-Known Member
he does got a girl and they are both tree eaters the litterally took down a 15 foot tree with a stock as thick as a baseball bat they are fucking savage wild dogs. I took my dogs deep into the wild running free at 3 months and taught them to fish and hunt they are freaks


i had the same problem a long time ago when i did one of my first backyard grows my dog just seem to love the smell and tryed to eat buds. go to the store and buy some cayenne pepper/chilly powder and put it around the base of your fence the more the better my dog never tryed to go near my plants again after that. you might have to add more over time or right after it rains but it has worked for me should work for you to. good luck with the grow


Active Member
i had the same problem a long time ago when i did one of my first backyard grows my dog just seem to love the smell and tryed to eat buds. go to the store and buy some cayenne pepper/chilly powder and put it around the base of your fence the more the better my dog never tryed to go near my plants again after that. you might have to add more over time or right after it rains but it has worked for me should work for you to
i have used the same method and yes it does work


Well-Known Member
ok so my dog is a tree eating stoner ass bitch. I got an outdoor garden build from scrap wood I have it barried to hell now but my dog neve stops trying he pushed against the fence to make it bend to catch a nibble tries to squeeze under it and shit. what can i use to keep him away is there a chemical or something if not imma have to just get an electric fence or something

haha man, im sorry to laugh, but you got me and my coworkers rolling in the work truck right now... good luck keepin that pooch in line, pits are crazy though, they can jump high as fuck as well...


Hahahaha this is the funniest shit i have ever heard. they make spray you can buy at the pet store to deter animals from chewing..its like 5 bucks..good luck!
Emie02 is on to it. Get some mace or make your own pepper spray and hose the crud out of the outside of it. I wouldn't've believed you if I hadn't lost all my babies this year to a muncher... stripped the stems clean. Thing thinks it's a deer. Turns out dogs will munch it up like they do lawn grass and then puke it up on your kitchen floor... wasn't much of a who-dun-it after the puke. I think it's even worse when they see you fudgin with it all the time, so maybe don't go near the stuff when they're around as well.


Well-Known Member
get a motion activated garden hose, it will spray them if they go near it. Cayenne pepper does well and you can put dog poop there they wont dig it up.


Well-Known Member
lol this has me dying laughing
but i dont think the electric fence will work cause the pit will just fight thur the pain to he gets your plant