Fucking Words....


Well-Known Member
a vapor sounds interesting and that bong sounds like a smooth hit. Poker, as in texas hold'em?

I can never.find any raws locally, so ive never tried them. I do want to order some though, i always want more then 1 j sometimes when the talk is good, so they would work fine...
Smoking makes for interesting everything, lol! Hunting is my thing

QUOTE=mindphuk;6601820]At home I virtually always vape with my Silver Surfer through a Syn mini showerhead perc, stemless ice bong. I love a good J

but usually use a pipe on the road. I play a lot of poker and about half the players I know smoke so it makes for interesting games sometimes. I like the Raw's that come with the pre-cut lefties so you can burn all of the way down and not have to save a roach. Plus I like the big ass cones you can make with them.[/QUOTE]

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...this is a tough one really. On one hand 'being' with every person at every level of understanding is impossible (so far, I think...). But on the other I love words. :| I've always loved, also, the idea that "this is my current understanding". There is great stuff to be had (inscape / landscape) and it is up to us to go and get it. Plus things are funny sometimes simply because of the words that are used - and I enjoy those ones. (for sure the haiku stuff comes to mind)

Also, don't hand joints to writers (of most every capacity) if you're looking for few words. (on an extroverted day, that is :lol: ) Might as well just walk away backwards...slowly. :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Shit, I feel stupid. You guys use your crazy logical words that I simply don't understand. I'm not even joking. Sometimes I have to google crazy words that you guys use. I could have sworn that words are used to communicate and not to be used to confuse the fuck out of me. It sometimes feels like you guys wanna throw me off your logic by using very complicated words. The point of words during a debate is to teach the other person your point, well you're not gonna do that by using crazy words. I know sometimes you have to use crazy words to express your thoughts, but come on.... All I'm saying is chill on your vocabulary.

I'm hoping others feel the same the way, otherwise I will look stupid lol.

Peace dudes and dudettes.

i blame it on americas poor education system , to us english , you rape our language .


Well-Known Member
it says alot about people that you can talk to basically anyone and say something like "the majority of people are morons"

and they will agree with you.

so basically, the vast majority, think the majority is stupid (but never themselves)

...after some observation and thought.

i think

that everyone on the planet is stupid (including me)

with No exceptions.


Well-Known Member
though that is in comparison to some perfect nonexistent being..

in real life, everyone is a genius.

(you just gotta view it from the right viewpoint ;))


Well-Known Member
seems to me like some people have a strategy to win arguments of typing whole pages full of big words either to make themselves look smart or cause others to loose interest...........a war of attrition
Cut and paste is quite popular, lol

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
it says alot about people that you can talk to basically anyone and say something like "the majority of people are morons"

and they will agree with you.

so basically, the vast majority, think the majority is stupid (but never themselves)

...after some observation and thought.

i think

that everyone on the planet is stupid (including me)

with No exceptions.

...I wonder if people are 'dangerously curious' - I offer that as an opt item to being 'stupid'. Once...(ok, a few times) when I was a kid I stuck a wooden handled, metal-tipped, flat screwdriver into a wall socket. The sparks were just too cool to deny. :) That was a 'dangerously curious' move, however, my parents had another word for it :lol:

But really, we just 'are'... the adjectives / perspectives are up to us*, like you said in your second post.

*unless your chemistry is challenged naturally


Well-Known Member
...I wonder if people are 'dangerously curious' - I offer that as an opt item to being 'stupid'. Once...(ok, a few times) when I was a kid I stuck a wooden handled, metal-tipped, flat screwdriver into a wall socket. The sparks were just too cool to deny. :) That was a 'dangerously curious' move, however, my parents had another word for it :lol:

But really, we just 'are'... the adjectives / perspectives are up to us*, like you said in your second post.

*unless your chemistry is challenged naturally

...what is stupid?

it usually comes like this "fuck, that was stupid, i wont do that again"

i think this is the point of actual emerging intelligence.

the point where you stop repeating mistakes.


thats actually quite hard, its no longer the, "if i touch the fire, i will burn, that sucks"

no, often stupid mistakes today are because we dont quite understand ourselves and other humans.

we dont understand our emotions fully and we are basically noobs of the mind.

we are noobs.

we could call ourselves stupid, but its really better to say we are unevolved.

but how does evolving work?

how does the mind evolve?

well, lets take me for an example.

manipulating people and lies is too much work.

making people afraid makes you alone.

anger only spawns more anger or hatred.

makes you alone too.

negative emotions, destroy your body as well. they hasten its demise by placing a constant strain on the system with all its tenseness and adrenaline flow.

the best results in my life have always been by choosing the path of peace and love.

it makes for a happy environment.

safe and peaceful, conducive to creation and fun. to enjoying myself.

the more friends and family i have,the easier everything becomes. (though in certain cases you have to choose your family, not everyone is willing to let go of ego and pride and anger and they can wait out in the cold, boring fucks)

so this is the evolution of myself.

why am i nice and good and try to become better with every day?

why its elementary.

everything is much nicer.

the world looks shitty in a foul mood, heavenly in a good mood.

if im always looking at the bad of the world and bemoaning it, i simply have no time for enjoying the good things in life.

and my time here on earth, is limited (humm, though each time and there is no actual end to life, my believes anyway, but thats no reason to want to live in hell, and if i give in to negativety and hate and anger.

then im creating hell on earth.

not exactly a place i enjoy)


Well-Known Member
though to be fair, when i say im nice and good.

my world is not complete heaven, but i strive to make it so.

i strive to let go of stupidity.

to stop hurting others.

to be the best person i can be

both for myself and others.

mostly for the wife though ;)


Well-Known Member
when talking others.. but perhaps most, for myself (life sucks in negativety (might enjoy it for a spell, but sooner or later)


non can purposefully trying to deceive or confuse anyone, but when studying and discussing things like philosophy certain words and sayings get inculcated into your vocabulary. If anything, keep looking the words up, and before you know it you wil be using them too much.


Well-Known Member
Shit, I feel stupid. You guys use your crazy logical words that I simply don't understand. I'm not even joking. Sometimes I have to google crazy words that you guys use. I could have sworn that words are used to communicate and not to be used to confuse the fuck out of me. It sometimes feels like you guys wanna throw me off your logic by using very complicated words. The point of words during a debate is to teach the other person your point, well you're not gonna do that by using crazy words. I know sometimes you have to use crazy words to express your thoughts, but come on.... All I'm saying is chill on your vocabulary.

I'm hoping others feel the same the way, otherwise I will look stupid lol.

Peace dudes and dudettes.
its the code dude. its bullshit whop speaks straight english


Well-Known Member
i blame it on americas poor education system , to us english , you rape our language .
Dude, you can't be serious. Many of your posts have misspellings and poor punctuation, grammar and capitalization. I didn't even realize (or realise, take your pick) you were from the UK until this post above. You're one of the last people that should rag on someone's use of the English language...


Well-Known Member
Yea your language,Proper and dignified oh i feel so contrite for raping the English language.See i didnt even capitalize my i's. Its RAPE!!


Well-Known Member
Yea your language,Proper and dignified oh i feel so contrite for raping the English language.See i didnt even capitalize my i's. Its RAPE!!
The way I see it...if you can't do something as simple as read/write properly...then what exactly in life can you do properly?!